Open zalves opened 8 months ago
Actually, even if you have buyed a product in taobao which has a name called "ILI9488", they actually not the same.
They use different driver board for ili9488, which means there has no general solution for the communication with your LCD.
They change protocol very quickly, just like change password.
You can try my version, maybe it will work:
# -*-coding:utf-8 -*-
"""ILI9488 LCD/Touch module."""
from time import sleep
from math import cos, sin, pi, radians
from sys import implementation
from framebuf import FrameBuffer, RGB565 # type: ignore
import ustruct # type: ignore
def color565(r, g, b):
"""Return RGB565 color value.
r (int): Red value.
g (int): Green value.
b (int): Blue value.
return (r & 0xf8) << 8 | (g & 0xfc) << 3 | b >> 3
def color666(r, g, b):
r_666 = (r & 0xF8) | (r >> 5)
g_666 = (g & 0xF8) | (g >> 5)
b_666 = (b & 0xF8) | (b >> 5)
return bytes([r_666, g_666, b_666])
class Display(object):
"""Serial interface for 16-bit color (5-6-5 RGB) ILI9488 display.
Note: All coordinates are zero based.
# Command constants from ILI9488 datasheet
NOP = const(0x00) # No-op
SWRESET = const(0x01) # Software reset
RDDID = const(0x04) # Read display ID info
RDDST = const(0x09) # Read display status
SLPIN = const(0x10) # Enter sleep mode
SLPOUT = const(0x11) # Exit sleep mode
PTLON = const(0x12) # Partial mode on
NORON = const(0x13) # Normal display mode on
RDMODE = const(0x0A) # Read display power mode
RDMADCTL = const(0x0B) # Read display MADCTL
RDPIXFMT = const(0x0C) # Read display pixel format
RDIMGFMT = const(0x0D) # Read display image format
RDSELFDIAG = const(0x0F) # Read display self-diagnostic
INVOFF = const(0x20) # Display inversion off
INVON = const(0x21) # Display inversion on
GAMMASET = const(0x26) # Gamma set
DISPLAY_OFF = const(0x28) # Display off
DISPLAY_ON = const(0x29) # Display on
SET_COLUMN = const(0x2A) # Column address set
SET_PAGE = const(0x2B) # Page address set
WRITE_RAM = const(0x2C) # Memory write
READ_RAM = const(0x2E) # Memory read
PTLAR = const(0x30) # Partial area
VSCRDEF = const(0x33) # Vertical scrolling definition
MADCTL = const(0x36) # Memory access control
VSCRSADD = const(0x37) # Vertical scrolling start address
PIXFMT = const(0x3A) # COLMOD: Pixel format set
WRITE_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS = const(0x51) # Brightness hardware dependent!
WRITE_CTRL_DISPLAY = const(0x53)
READ_CTRL_DISPLAY = const(0x54)
WRITE_CABC = const(0x55) # Write Content Adaptive Brightness Control
READ_CABC = const(0x56) # Read Content Adaptive Brightness Control
WRITE_CABC_MINIMUM = const(0x5E) # Write CABC Minimum Brightness
READ_CABC_MINIMUM = const(0x5F) # Read CABC Minimum Brightness
FRMCTR1 = const(0xB1) # Frame rate control (In normal mode/full colors)
FRMCTR2 = const(0xB2) # Frame rate control (In idle mode/8 colors)
FRMCTR3 = const(0xB3) # Frame rate control (In partial mode/full colors)
INVCTR = const(0xB4) # Display inversion control
DFUNCTR = const(0xB6) # Display function control
PWCTR1 = const(0xC0) # Power control 1
PWCTR2 = const(0xC1) # Power control 2
PWCTRA = const(0xCB) # Power control A
PWCTRB = const(0xCF) # Power control B
VMCTR1 = const(0xC5) # VCOM control 1
VMCTR2 = const(0xC7) # VCOM control 2
RDID1 = const(0xDA) # Read ID 1
RDID2 = const(0xDB) # Read ID 2
RDID3 = const(0xDC) # Read ID 3
RDID4 = const(0xDD) # Read ID 4
GMCTRP1 = const(0xE0) # Positive gamma correction
GMCTRN1 = const(0xE1) # Negative gamma correction
DTCA = const(0xE8) # Driver timing control A
DTCB = const(0xEA) # Driver timing control B
POSC = const(0xED) # Power on sequence control
ENABLE3G = const(0xF2) # Enable 3 gamma control
PUMPRC = const(0xF7) # Pump ratio control
0: 0x88,
90: 0xE8,
180: 0x48,
270: 0x28,
def __init__(self, spi, cs, dc, rst,
width=480, height=320, rotation=270):
"""Initialize OLED.
spi (Class Spi): SPI interface for OLED
cs (Class Pin): Chip select pin
dc (Class Pin): Data/Command pin
rst (Class Pin): Reset pin
width (Optional int): Screen width (default 320)
height (Optional int): Screen height (default 480)
rotation (Optional int): Rotation must be 0 default, 90. 180 or 270
self.spi = spi
self.cs = cs
self.dc = dc
self.rst = rst
self.width = width
self.height = height
if rotation not in self.ROTATE.keys():
raise RuntimeError('Rotation must be 0, 90, 180 or 270.')
self.rotation = self.ROTATE[rotation]
# Initialize GPIO pins and set implementation specific methods
if == 'circuitpython':
self.reset = self.reset_cpy
self.write_cmd = self.write_cmd_cpy
self.write_data = self.write_data_cpy
self.cs.init(self.cs.OUT, value=1)
self.dc.init(self.dc.OUT, value=0)
self.rst.init(self.rst.OUT, value=1)
self.reset = self.reset_mpy
self.write_cmd = self.write_cmd_mpy
self.write_data = self.write_data_mpy
# Send initialization commands
init_backdoor_data = [['command', '0xF7'], ['data', '0xA9'], ['data', '0x51'], ['data', '0x2C'], ['data', '0x82'], ['command', '0xC0'], ['data', '0x11'], ['data', '0x09'], ['command', '0xC1'], ['data', '0x41'], ['command', '0xC5'], ['data', '0x00'], ['data', '0x0A'], ['data', '0x80'], ['command', '0xB1'], ['data', '0xB0'], ['data', '0x11'], ['command', '0xB4'], ['data', '0x02'], ['command', '0xB6'], ['data', '0x02'], ['data', '0x42'], ['command', '0xB7'], ['data', '0xc6'], ['command', '0xBE'], ['data', '0x00'], ['data', '0x04'], ['command', '0xE9'], ['data', '0x00'], ['command', '0x36'], ['data', '0x68'], ['command', '0x3A'], ['data', '0x66'], ['command', '0xE0'], ['data', '0x00'], ['data', '0x07'], ['data', '0x10'], ['data', '0x09'], ['data', '0x17'], ['data', '0x0B'], ['data', '0x41'], ['data', '0x89'], ['data', '0x4B'], ['data', '0x0A'], ['data', '0x0C'], ['data', '0x0E'], ['data', '0x18'], ['data', '0x1B'], ['data', '0x0F'], ['command', '0xE1'], ['data', '0x00'], ['data', '0x17'], ['data', '0x1A'], ['data', '0x04'], ['data', '0x0E'], ['data', '0x06'], ['data', '0x2F'], ['data', '0x45'], ['data', '0x43'], ['data', '0x02'], ['data', '0x0A'], ['data', '0x09'], ['data', '0x32'], ['data', '0x36'], ['data', '0x0F'], ['command', '0x11']]
for key,value in init_backdoor_data:
value = bytes().fromhex(value.split("0x")[1])[0]
if key == "command":
# old code
self.write_cmd(self.SWRESET) # Software reset
self.write_cmd(self.PWCTRB, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x30) # Pwr ctrl B
self.write_cmd(self.POSC, 0x64, 0x03, 0x12, 0x81) # Pwr on seq. ctrl
self.write_cmd(self.DTCA, 0x85, 0x00, 0x78) # Driver timing ctrl A
self.write_cmd(self.PWCTRA, 0x39, 0x2C, 0x00, 0x34, 0x02) # Pwr ctrl A
self.write_cmd(self.PUMPRC, 0x20) # Pump ratio control
self.write_cmd(self.DTCB, 0x00, 0x00) # Driver timing ctrl B
self.write_cmd(self.PWCTR1, 0x23) # Pwr ctrl 1
self.write_cmd(self.PWCTR2, 0x10) # Pwr ctrl 2
self.write_cmd(self.VMCTR1, 0x3E, 0x28) # VCOM ctrl 1
self.write_cmd(self.VMCTR2, 0x86) # VCOM ctrl 2
self.write_cmd(self.MADCTL, self.rotation) # Memory access ctrl
self.write_cmd(self.VSCRSADD, 0x00) # Vertical scrolling start address
self.write_cmd(self.PIXFMT, 0x55) # COLMOD: Pixel format
self.write_cmd(self.FRMCTR1, 0x00, 0x18) # Frame rate ctrl
self.write_cmd(self.DFUNCTR, 0x02,0x02)
self.write_cmd(self.ENABLE3G, 0x00) # Enable 3 gamma ctrl
self.write_cmd(self.GAMMASET, 0x01) # Gamma curve selected
self.write_cmd(self.GMCTRP1, 0x0F, 0x31, 0x2B, 0x0C, 0x0E, 0x08, 0x4E,
0xF1, 0x37, 0x07, 0x10, 0x03, 0x0E, 0x09, 0x00)
self.write_cmd(self.GMCTRN1, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x14, 0x03, 0x11, 0x07, 0x31,
0xC1, 0x48, 0x08, 0x0F, 0x0C, 0x31, 0x36, 0x0F)
self.write_cmd(self.SLPOUT) # Exit sleep
self.write_cmd(self.DISPLAY_ON) # Display on
def block(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, data):
"""Write a block of data to display.
x0 (int): Starting X position.
y0 (int): Starting Y position.
x1 (int): Ending X position.
y1 (int): Ending Y position.
data (bytes): Data buffer to write.
self.write_cmd(self.SET_COLUMN, *ustruct.pack(">HH", x0, x1))
self.write_cmd(self.SET_PAGE, *ustruct.pack(">HH", y0, y1))
def cleanup(self):
"""Clean up resources."""
print('display off')
def clear(self, color=0):
"""Clear display.
color (Optional int): RGB565 color value (Default: 0 = Black).
w = self.width
h = self.height
# Clear display in 1024 byte blocks
if color:
if type(color) == bytes:
line = color * (w * 8)
line = color.to_bytes(2, 'big') * (w * 8)
line = bytearray(w * 16)
for y in range(0, h, 8):
self.block(0, y, w - 1, y + 7, line)
def display_off(self):
"""Turn display off."""
def display_on(self):
"""Turn display on."""
def draw_circle(self, x0, y0, r, color):
"""Draw a circle.
x0 (int): X coordinate of center point.
y0 (int): Y coordinate of center point.
r (int): Radius.
color (int): RGB565 color value.
f = 1 - r
dx = 1
dy = -r - r
x = 0
y = r
self.draw_pixel(x0, y0 + r, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0, y0 - r, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 + r, y0, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 - r, y0, color)
while x < y:
if f >= 0:
y -= 1
dy += 2
f += dy
x += 1
dx += 2
f += dx
self.draw_pixel(x0 + x, y0 + y, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 - x, y0 + y, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 + x, y0 - y, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 - x, y0 - y, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 + y, y0 + x, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 - y, y0 + x, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 + y, y0 - x, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 - y, y0 - x, color)
def draw_ellipse(self, x0, y0, a, b, color):
"""Draw an ellipse.
x0, y0 (int): Coordinates of center point.
a (int): Semi axis horizontal.
b (int): Semi axis vertical.
color (int): RGB565 color value.
The center point is the center of the x0,y0 pixel.
Since pixels are not divisible, the axes are integer rounded
up to complete on a full pixel. Therefore the major and
minor axes are increased by 1.
a2 = a * a
b2 = b * b
twoa2 = a2 + a2
twob2 = b2 + b2
x = 0
y = b
px = 0
py = twoa2 * y
# Plot initial points
self.draw_pixel(x0 + x, y0 + y, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 - x, y0 + y, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 + x, y0 - y, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 - x, y0 - y, color)
# Region 1
p = round(b2 - (a2 * b) + (0.25 * a2))
while px < py:
x += 1
px += twob2
if p < 0:
p += b2 + px
y -= 1
py -= twoa2
p += b2 + px - py
self.draw_pixel(x0 + x, y0 + y, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 - x, y0 + y, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 + x, y0 - y, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 - x, y0 - y, color)
# Region 2
p = round(b2 * (x + 0.5) * (x + 0.5) +
a2 * (y - 1) * (y - 1) - a2 * b2)
while y > 0:
y -= 1
py -= twoa2
if p > 0:
p += a2 - py
x += 1
px += twob2
p += a2 - py + px
self.draw_pixel(x0 + x, y0 + y, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 - x, y0 + y, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 + x, y0 - y, color)
self.draw_pixel(x0 - x, y0 - y, color)
def draw_hline(self, x, y, w, color):
"""Draw a horizontal line.
x (int): Starting X position.
y (int): Starting Y position.
w (int): Width of line.
color (int): RGB565 color value.
if self.is_off_grid(x, y, x + w - 1, y):
line = color.to_bytes(2, 'big') * w
self.block(x, y, x + w - 1, y, line)
def draw_image(self, path, x=0, y=0, w=320, h=480):
"""Draw image from flash.
path (string): Image file path.
x (int): X coordinate of image left. Default is 0.
y (int): Y coordinate of image top. Default is 0.
w (int): Width of image. Default is 320.
h (int): Height of image. Default is 480.
x2 = x + w - 1
y2 = y + h - 1
if self.is_off_grid(x, y, x2, y2):
with open(path, "rb") as f:
chunk_height = 1024 // w
chunk_count, remainder = divmod(h, chunk_height)
chunk_size = chunk_height * w * 2
chunk_y = y
if chunk_count:
for c in range(0, chunk_count):
buf =
self.block(x, chunk_y,
x2, chunk_y + chunk_height - 1,
chunk_y += chunk_height
if remainder:
buf = * w * 2)
self.block(x, chunk_y,
x2, chunk_y + remainder - 1,
def draw_letter(self, x, y, letter, font, color, background=0,
"""Draw a letter.
x (int): Starting X position.
y (int): Starting Y position.
letter (string): Letter to draw.
font (XglcdFont object): Font.
color (int): RGB565 color value.
background (int): RGB565 background color (default: black).
landscape (bool): Orientation (default: False = portrait)
buf, w, h = font.get_letter(letter, color, background, landscape)
# Check for errors (Font could be missing specified letter)
if w == 0:
return w, h
if landscape:
y -= w
if self.is_off_grid(x, y, x + h - 1, y + w - 1):
return 0, 0
self.block(x, y,
x + h - 1, y + w - 1,
if self.is_off_grid(x, y, x + w - 1, y + h - 1):
return 0, 0
self.block(x, y,
x + w - 1, y + h - 1,
return w, h
def draw_line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, color):
"""Draw a line using Bresenham's algorithm.
x1, y1 (int): Starting coordinates of the line
x2, y2 (int): Ending coordinates of the line
color (int): RGB565 color value.
# Check for horizontal line
if y1 == y2:
if x1 > x2:
x1, x2 = x2, x1
self.draw_hline(x1, y1, x2 - x1 + 1, color)
# Check for vertical line
if x1 == x2:
if y1 > y2:
y1, y2 = y2, y1
self.draw_vline(x1, y1, y2 - y1 + 1, color)
# Confirm coordinates in boundary
if self.is_off_grid(min(x1, x2), min(y1, y2),
max(x1, x2), max(y1, y2)):
# Changes in x, y
dx = x2 - x1
dy = y2 - y1
# Determine how steep the line is
is_steep = abs(dy) > abs(dx)
# Rotate line
if is_steep:
x1, y1 = y1, x1
x2, y2 = y2, x2
# Swap start and end points if necessary
if x1 > x2:
x1, x2 = x2, x1
y1, y2 = y2, y1
# Recalculate differentials
dx = x2 - x1
dy = y2 - y1
# Calculate error
error = dx >> 1
ystep = 1 if y1 < y2 else -1
y = y1
for x in range(x1, x2 + 1):
# Had to reverse HW ????
if not is_steep:
self.draw_pixel(x, y, color)
self.draw_pixel(y, x, color)
error -= abs(dy)
if error < 0:
y += ystep
error += dx
def draw_lines(self, coords, color):
"""Draw multiple lines.
coords ([[int, int],...]): Line coordinate X, Y pairs
color (int): RGB565 color value.
# Starting point
x1, y1 = coords[0]
# Iterate through coordinates
for i in range(1, len(coords)):
x2, y2 = coords[i]
self.draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)
x1, y1 = x2, y2
def draw_pixel(self, x, y, color):
"""Draw a single pixel.
x (int): X position.
y (int): Y position.
color (int): RGB565 color value.
if self.is_off_grid(x, y, x, y):
self.block(x, y, x, y, color.to_bytes(2, 'big'))
def draw_rgb_pixel(self, x, y, rgb_list):
if self.is_off_grid(x, y, x, y):
data = color666(rgb_list[0], rgb_list[1], rgb_list[2])
self.block(x, y, x, y, data)
def draw_polygon(self, sides, x0, y0, r, color, rotate=0):
"""Draw an n-sided regular polygon.
sides (int): Number of polygon sides.
x0, y0 (int): Coordinates of center point.
r (int): Radius.
color (int): RGB565 color value.
rotate (Optional float): Rotation in degrees relative to origin.
The center point is the center of the x0,y0 pixel.
Since pixels are not divisible, the radius is integer rounded
up to complete on a full pixel. Therefore diameter = 2 x r + 1.
coords = []
theta = radians(rotate)
n = sides + 1
for s in range(n):
t = 2.0 * pi * s / sides + theta
coords.append([int(r * cos(t) + x0), int(r * sin(t) + y0)])
# Cast to python float first to fix rounding errors
self.draw_lines(coords, color=color)
def draw_rectangle(self, x, y, w, h, color):
"""Draw a rectangle.
x (int): Starting X position.
y (int): Starting Y position.
w (int): Width of rectangle.
h (int): Height of rectangle.
color (int): RGB565 color value.
x2 = x + w - 1
y2 = y + h - 1
self.draw_hline(x, y, w, color)
self.draw_hline(x, y2, w, color)
self.draw_vline(x, y, h, color)
self.draw_vline(x2, y, h, color)
def draw_sprite(self, buf, x, y, w, h):
"""Draw a sprite (optimized for horizontal drawing).
buf (bytearray): Buffer to draw.
x (int): Starting X position.
y (int): Starting Y position.
w (int): Width of drawing.
h (int): Height of drawing.
x2 = x + w - 1
y2 = y + h - 1
if self.is_off_grid(x, y, x2, y2):
self.block(x, y, x2, y2, buf)
def draw_text(self, x, y, text, font, color, background=0,
landscape=False, spacing=1):
"""Draw text.
x (int): Starting X position.
y (int): Starting Y position.
text (string): Text to draw.
font (XglcdFont object): Font.
color (int): RGB565 color value.
background (int): RGB565 background color (default: black).
landscape (bool): Orientation (default: False = portrait)
spacing (int): Pixels between letters (default: 1)
for letter in text:
# Get letter array and letter dimensions
w, h = self.draw_letter(x, y, letter, font, color, background,
# Stop on error
if w == 0 or h == 0:
print('Invalid width {0} or height {1}'.format(w, h))
if landscape:
# Fill in spacing
if spacing:
self.fill_hrect(x, y - w - spacing, h, spacing, background)
# Position y for next letter
y -= (w + spacing)
# Fill in spacing
if spacing:
self.fill_hrect(x + w, y, spacing, h, background)
# Position x for next letter
x += (w + spacing)
# # Fill in spacing
# if spacing:
# self.fill_vrect(x + w, y, spacing, h, background)
# # Position x for next letter
# x += w + spacing
def draw_text8x8(self, x, y, text, color, background=0,
"""Draw text using built-in MicroPython 8x8 bit font.
x (int): Starting X position.
y (int): Starting Y position.
text (string): Text to draw.
color (int): RGB565 color value.
background (int): RGB565 background color (default: black).
rotate(int): 0, 90, 180, 270
w = len(text) * 8
h = 8
# Confirm coordinates in boundary
if self.is_off_grid(x, y, x + 7, y + 7):
# Rearrange color
r = (color & 0xF800) >> 8
g = (color & 0x07E0) >> 3
b = (color & 0x1F) << 3
buf = bytearray(w * 16)
fbuf = FrameBuffer(buf, w, h, RGB565)
if background != 0:
bg_r = (background & 0xF800) >> 8
bg_g = (background & 0x07E0) >> 3
bg_b = (background & 0x1F) << 3
fbuf.fill(color565(bg_b, bg_r, bg_g))
fbuf.text(text, 0, 0, color565(b, r, g))
if rotate == 0:
self.block(x, y, x + w - 1, y + (h - 1), buf)
elif rotate == 90:
buf2 = bytearray(w * 16)
fbuf2 = FrameBuffer(buf2, h, w, RGB565)
for y1 in range(h):
for x1 in range(w):
fbuf2.pixel(y1, x1,
fbuf.pixel(x1, (h - 1) - y1))
self.block(x, y, x + (h - 1), y + w - 1, buf2)
elif rotate == 180:
buf2 = bytearray(w * 16)
fbuf2 = FrameBuffer(buf2, w, h, RGB565)
for y1 in range(h):
for x1 in range(w):
fbuf2.pixel(x1, y1,
fbuf.pixel((w - 1) - x1, (h - 1) - y1))
self.block(x, y, x + w - 1, y + (h - 1), buf2)
elif rotate == 270:
buf2 = bytearray(w * 16)
fbuf2 = FrameBuffer(buf2, h, w, RGB565)
for y1 in range(h):
for x1 in range(w):
fbuf2.pixel(y1, x1,
fbuf.pixel((w - 1) - x1, y1))
self.block(x, y, x + (h - 1), y + w - 1, buf2)
def draw_vline(self, x, y, h, color):
"""Draw a vertical line.
x (int): Starting X position.
y (int): Starting Y position.
h (int): Height of line.
color (int): RGB565 color value.
# Confirm coordinates in boundary
if self.is_off_grid(x, y, x, y + h - 1):
line = color.to_bytes(2, 'big') * h
self.block(x, y, x, y + h - 1, line)
def fill_circle(self, x0, y0, r, color):
"""Draw a filled circle.
x0 (int): X coordinate of center point.
y0 (int): Y coordinate of center point.
r (int): Radius.
color (int): RGB565 color value.
f = 1 - r
dx = 1
dy = -r - r
x = 0
y = r
self.draw_vline(x0, y0 - r, 2 * r + 1, color)
while x < y:
if f >= 0:
y -= 1
dy += 2
f += dy
x += 1
dx += 2
f += dx
self.draw_vline(x0 + x, y0 - y, 2 * y + 1, color)
self.draw_vline(x0 - x, y0 - y, 2 * y + 1, color)
self.draw_vline(x0 - y, y0 - x, 2 * x + 1, color)
self.draw_vline(x0 + y, y0 - x, 2 * x + 1, color)
def fill_ellipse(self, x0, y0, a, b, color):
"""Draw a filled ellipse.
x0, y0 (int): Coordinates of center point.
a (int): Semi axis horizontal.
b (int): Semi axis vertical.
color (int): RGB565 color value.
The center point is the center of the x0,y0 pixel.
Since pixels are not divisible, the axes are integer rounded
up to complete on a full pixel. Therefore the major and
minor axes are increased by 1.
a2 = a * a
b2 = b * b
twoa2 = a2 + a2
twob2 = b2 + b2
x = 0
y = b
px = 0
py = twoa2 * y
# Plot initial points
self.draw_line(x0, y0 - y, x0, y0 + y, color)
# Region 1
p = round(b2 - (a2 * b) + (0.25 * a2))
while px < py:
x += 1
px += twob2
if p < 0:
p += b2 + px
y -= 1
py -= twoa2
p += b2 + px - py
self.draw_line(x0 + x, y0 - y, x0 + x, y0 + y, color)
self.draw_line(x0 - x, y0 - y, x0 - x, y0 + y, color)
# Region 2
p = round(b2 * (x + 0.5) * (x + 0.5) +
a2 * (y - 1) * (y - 1) - a2 * b2)
while y > 0:
y -= 1
py -= twoa2
if p > 0:
p += a2 - py
x += 1
px += twob2
p += a2 - py + px
self.draw_line(x0 + x, y0 - y, x0 + x, y0 + y, color)
self.draw_line(x0 - x, y0 - y, x0 - x, y0 + y, color)
def fill_hrect(self, x, y, w, h, color):
"""Draw a filled rectangle (optimized for horizontal drawing).
x (int): Starting X position.
y (int): Starting Y position.
w (int): Width of rectangle.
h (int): Height of rectangle.
color (int): RGB565 color value.
if self.is_off_grid(x, y, x + w - 1, y + h - 1):
chunk_height = 1024 // w
chunk_count, remainder = divmod(h, chunk_height)
chunk_size = chunk_height * w
chunk_y = y
if chunk_count:
buf = color.to_bytes(2, 'big') * chunk_size
for c in range(0, chunk_count):
self.block(x, chunk_y,
x + w - 1, chunk_y + chunk_height - 1,
chunk_y += chunk_height
if remainder:
buf = color.to_bytes(2, 'big') * remainder * w
self.block(x, chunk_y,
x + w - 1, chunk_y + remainder - 1,
def fill_rectangle(self, x, y, w, h, color):
"""Draw a filled rectangle.
x (int): Starting X position.
y (int): Starting Y position.
w (int): Width of rectangle.
h (int): Height of rectangle.
color (int): RGB565 color value.
if self.is_off_grid(x, y, x + w - 1, y + h - 1):
if w > h:
self.fill_hrect(x, y, w, h, color)
self.fill_vrect(x, y, w, h, color)
def fill_polygon(self, sides, x0, y0, r, color, rotate=0):
"""Draw a filled n-sided regular polygon.
sides (int): Number of polygon sides.
x0, y0 (int): Coordinates of center point.
r (int): Radius.
color (int): RGB565 color value.
rotate (Optional float): Rotation in degrees relative to origin.
The center point is the center of the x0,y0 pixel.
Since pixels are not divisible, the radius is integer rounded
up to complete on a full pixel. Therefore diameter = 2 x r + 1.
# Determine side coordinates
coords = []
theta = radians(rotate)
n = sides + 1
for s in range(n):
t = 2.0 * pi * s / sides + theta
coords.append([int(r * cos(t) + x0), int(r * sin(t) + y0)])
# Starting point
x1, y1 = coords[0]
# Minimum Maximum X dict
xdict = {y1: [x1, x1]}
# Iterate through coordinates
for row in coords[1:]:
x2, y2 = row
xprev, yprev = x2, y2
# Calculate perimeter
# Check for horizontal side
if y1 == y2:
if x1 > x2:
x1, x2 = x2, x1
if y1 in xdict:
xdict[y1] = [min(x1, xdict[y1][0]), max(x2, xdict[y1][1])]
xdict[y1] = [x1, x2]
x1, y1 = xprev, yprev
# Non horizontal side
# Changes in x, y
dx = x2 - x1
dy = y2 - y1
# Determine how steep the line is
is_steep = abs(dy) > abs(dx)
# Rotate line
if is_steep:
x1, y1 = y1, x1
x2, y2 = y2, x2
# Swap start and end points if necessary
if x1 > x2:
x1, x2 = x2, x1
y1, y2 = y2, y1
# Recalculate differentials
dx = x2 - x1
dy = y2 - y1
# Calculate error
error = dx >> 1
ystep = 1 if y1 < y2 else -1
y = y1
# Calcualte minimum and maximum x values
for x in range(x1, x2 + 1):
if is_steep:
if x in xdict:
xdict[x] = [min(y, xdict[x][0]), max(y, xdict[x][1])]
xdict[x] = [y, y]
if y in xdict:
xdict[y] = [min(x, xdict[y][0]), max(x, xdict[y][1])]
xdict[y] = [x, x]
error -= abs(dy)
if error < 0:
y += ystep
error += dx
x1, y1 = xprev, yprev
# Fill polygon
for y, x in xdict.items():
self.draw_hline(x[0], y, x[1] - x[0] + 2, color)
def fill_vrect(self, x, y, w, h, color):
"""Draw a filled rectangle (optimized for vertical drawing).
x (int): Starting X position.
y (int): Starting Y position.
w (int): Width of rectangle.
h (int): Height of rectangle.
color (int): RGB565 color value.
if self.is_off_grid(x, y, x + w - 1, y + h - 1):
chunk_width = 1024 // h
chunk_count, remainder = divmod(w, chunk_width)
chunk_size = chunk_width * h
chunk_x = x
if chunk_count:
buf = color.to_bytes(2, 'big') * chunk_size
for c in range(0, chunk_count):
self.block(chunk_x, y,
chunk_x + chunk_width - 1, y + h - 1,
chunk_x += chunk_width
if remainder:
buf = color.to_bytes(2, 'big') * remainder * h
self.block(chunk_x, y,
chunk_x + remainder - 1, y + h - 1,
def is_off_grid(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax):
"""Check if coordinates extend past display boundaries.
xmin (int): Minimum horizontal pixel.
ymin (int): Minimum vertical pixel.
xmax (int): Maximum horizontal pixel.
ymax (int): Maximum vertical pixel.
boolean: False = Coordinates OK, True = Error.
if xmin < 0:
print('x-coordinate: {0} below minimum of 0.'.format(xmin))
return True
if ymin < 0:
print('y-coordinate: {0} below minimum of 0.'.format(ymin))
return True
if xmax >= self.width:
print('x-coordinate: {0} above maximum of {1}.'.format(
xmax, self.width - 1))
return True
if ymax >= self.height:
print('y-coordinate: {0} above maximum of {1}.'.format(
ymax, self.height - 1))
return True
return False
def load_sprite(self, path, w, h):
"""Load sprite image.
path (string): Image file path.
w (int): Width of image.
h (int): Height of image.
w x h cannot exceed 2048
buf_size = w * h * 2
with open(path, "rb") as f:
def reset_cpy(self):
"""Perform reset: Low=initialization, High=normal operation.
Notes: CircuitPython implemntation
self.rst.value = False
self.rst.value = True
def reset_mpy(self):
"""Perform reset: Low=initialization, High=normal operation.
Notes: MicroPython implemntation
def scroll(self, y):
"""Scroll display vertically.
y (int): Number of pixels to scroll display.
self.write_cmd(self.VSCRSADD, y >> 8, y & 0xFF)
def set_scroll(self, top, bottom):
"""Set the height of the top and bottom scroll margins.
top (int): Height of top scroll margin
bottom (int): Height of bottom scroll margin
if top + bottom <= self.height:
middle = self.height - (top + bottom)
print(top, middle, bottom)
top >> 8,
top & 0xFF,
middle >> 8,
middle & 0xFF,
bottom >> 8,
bottom & 0xFF)
def sleep(self, enable=True):
"""Enters or exits sleep mode.
enable (bool): True (default)=Enter sleep mode, False=Exit sleep
if enable:
def write_cmd_mpy(self, command, *args):
"""Write command to OLED (MicroPython).
command (byte): ILI9488 command code.
*args (optional bytes): Data to transmit.
# Handle any passed data
if len(args) > 0:
def write_cmd_cpy(self, command, *args):
"""Write command to OLED (CircuitPython).
command (byte): ILI9488 command code.
*args (optional bytes): Data to transmit.
self.dc.value = False
self.cs.value = False
# Confirm SPI locked before writing
while not self.spi.try_lock():
self.cs.value = True
# Handle any passed data
if len(args) > 0:
def write_data_mpy(self, data):
"""Write data to OLED (MicroPython).
data (bytes): Data to transmit.
def write_data_cpy(self, data):
"""Write data to OLED (CircuitPython).
data (bytes): Data to transmit.
self.dc.value = True
self.cs.value = False
# Confirm SPI locked before writing
while not self.spi.try_lock():
self.cs.value = True
#for pi pico
from time import sleep
from ili9488 import Display
from machine import Pin, SPI
import random
def test():
"""Test code."""
# Baud rate of 60000000 seems about the max
spi = SPI(0, baudrate=60000000, sck=Pin(2), mosi=Pin(3))
display = Display(spi, dc=Pin(12), cs=Pin(5), rst=Pin(13), width=480, height=320, rotation=0)
for y in range(50):
for x in range(50):
#display.draw_pixel(160, i, color565(255, 0, 0))
display.draw_rgb_pixel(x, y, [255,0,0])
Thank you for your driver, it's the closest to 100% working that I've got. you example works well, I''ve changed it to cover the whole screen red and it worked, albeit slowly as expected, pixel by pixel. But when I tried filled_rectangle I get a darker bar to the left and lighter to the right. And draw_text8x8 is scrambled.
I've tried to run the example, having this configuration and connected pins:
spi = SPI(1, baudrate=30000000, sck=Pin(18), mosi=Pin(23)) display = Display(spi, dc=Pin(16), cs=Pin(2), rst=Pin(4))
I get:
MPY: soft reboot Loading fonts... Loading arcadepix Loading bally
But display is just blank. I've tried with Arduino TFT_eSPI and connections and display are working.
Anything I can do?