QijingZheng / VaspBandUnfolding

A collection of python scripts that deal with VASP outpts, e.g. WAVECAR, POTCAR etc.
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Raw data #26

Closed MNovotny2 closed 6 months ago

MNovotny2 commented 6 months ago

Dear Prof. Qijing Zheng, I'm having problems extracting the unfolded band energies in data form. After printing the spectral function after unfolding I'm still getting the folded bands. Could you please either direct me to the correct variables or add a function that also outputs the band structure in data form. Thank you very much.

QijingZheng commented 6 months ago


xx = unfold(xxxxx)
sw = xx.spectral_weight(kpoits) 
xx.write(sw, kpoints, cell)

You should get a text file named 'unfolding_weight.dat', where the three columns correspond to: k-coordinates, energies, weights.

You can easily plot the band using gnuplot

plot 'unfolding_weight.dat' u 1:2:3 w p ps variable