QingWei-Li / vue-markdown-loader

📇 Convert Markdown file to Vue2.0 component.
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[Vue warn]: Invalid Component definition: with `vue.config.js` #47

Open nylira opened 6 years ago

nylira commented 6 years ago

Here is my code in vue.config.js, which is used by vue cli 3.0:

module.exports = {
  chainWebpack: config => {
      .tap(options => {
        raw: true

The PDF loader works fine, but the vue-markdown-loader gives me this error in Chrome:

[Vue warn]: Invalid Component definition: <template><section><h1....

It appears that the markdown is being parsed correctly into html, and then into a vue component, but why it is not loading into the app? Thanks for the help.

This is the component I'm using the markdown in:

<template lang="pug">
page(title="Trademark" subtitle="Learn about the guidelines for Cosmos trademark usage.")

import PageContent from "content/md/trademark.md"
import Page from "common/NiPage"
import Part from "common/NiPart"
import TextContainer from "common/NiTextContainer"
export default {
  name: "page-design-trademark",
  metaInfo: { title: "Trademark" },
  components: {
QingWei-Li commented 6 years ago

Your webpack config has an error:

+     .end()
+     .use("vue-markdown-loader")
      .tap(options => {
        raw: true
nylira commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much! That worked. Do you think it's worth including in the README?

QingWei-Li commented 6 years ago

Sure, can you help?

myronliu347 commented 6 years ago

Build is error

Module build failed (from ./node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js):
Thread Loader (Worker 3)
Cannot read property '__vueMarkdownOptions__' of undefined

should set parallel: false

can`t use in thread-loader ?

yolinsoft commented 5 years ago

Build is error

Module build failed (from ./node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js):
Thread Loader (Worker 3)
Cannot read property '__vueMarkdownOptions__' of undefined

should set parallel: false

can`t use in thread-loader ?

Set parallel: false in vue.config.js