QingyongHu / RandLA-Net

🔥RandLA-Net in Tensorflow (CVPR 2020, Oral & IEEE TPAMI 2021)
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why there is OutOfRangeError in Tester #96

Closed hansen7 closed 4 years ago

hansen7 commented 4 years ago

Hi, Qingyong. I really like your work, and with more digging into the tester code, I noticed that there is a try, exception syntax in all three testers, can you help me understand why sometime there will be tf.errors.OutOfRangeError?


hansen7 commented 4 years ago

figure it out :)

youssef962 commented 2 years ago

I'm facing the same problem, please can you tell me why this error is generated? @hansen7

hansen7 commented 2 years ago

it is not an error, just because the prediction of all the pooints are not ready so it requires further looping

youssef962 commented 2 years ago

@hansen7 Thanks a lot for your quick reply. I guess it's an error as it breaks with me (check my issue #207). All what I did is trying to test a data with dummy ground truth class label in order to give the data the required shape the code asks, but after 100 steps it broke and gave me the error in the issue. So please if you know what's wrong or how to test unlabeled data please tell me how. Thanks in advance.