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Add explanatory material on error mitigation techniques #1355

Open kevinsung opened 2 weeks ago

kevinsung commented 2 weeks ago

URL, if applicable

No response

Describe the new content you are requesting.

Techniques to document:

Some useful content for this can be found in the appendix of this notebook, which was the starting point of this PR, which didn't include that material in the final tutorial.

If this new content request is accepted, do you want to write the content?

I will write a draft of the proposed content

javabster commented 2 weeks ago

I'm thinking this piece would probably work well in the run section where we talk about the runtime options. If we can also include some code examples of how to set each type with runtime that would be great.

Also I think yes we should talk about PEA, and show people how to use it with the runtime experimental branch