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[ NEW PAGE ] Benchmarking performance #1674

Open javabster opened 2 months ago

javabster commented 2 months ago

With performance becoming a big feature of qiskit for the rest of the year we should include a page somewhere in docs (not sure where yet) that explains the following:

~Options for where this content could live:~ ~- the "additional resources" tab~ ~- the transpilation specific information could live in the transpile section, not sure about the other information~ ~- if there are multiple pages that could be created maybe it's worth creating a "performance" or "benchmarking" folder in the guides section? Might be confusing though if we also want to put performance discussion interweaved with the other sections on error mitigation or transpilation thought~

update: put "performance" folder in guides section, with at least 2 pages (1x SDK performance, 1x hardware/other performance)

questions to discuss: ~- do we just want to talk about the software performance (e.g. transpile time) or also hardware (quantum volume, CLOPS etc.)~

sbrandhsn commented 2 months ago

I like this! :-) We should probably also argue why we think the particular benchmark selection is reasonable. I think we should also have a discussion outlining a rust vs python discussion and the associated advantages/drawbacks.