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As a Professor, I want to ask proof questions, so that I can assess my student's logic process #1148

Closed pandasa123 closed 7 months ago

pandasa123 commented 2 years ago


Professors test students with proof questions. This typically involve:

Given X Show Y

Where X and Y are usually pseudo-code...probably closer to LaTeX. Here's an example for Turing Decidability in classical computing theory (where decidable is a language that either accepts or halts without loops):

State if the following language is decidable or undecidable

$L_{HALT \geq 10} = \{ (\langle M \rangle, x) \}$: M halts on x after running for at least 10 steps

Where the proof is as follows:

This language is undecidable. We can show this with a reduction from the Halting Problem with a language as follows:

Given a blackbox decider $B{HALT \geq 10}$ for $L{HALT \geq 10}$, we construct the following for decider $H{HALT}$ for $L{HALT}$

  1. Construct the Machine $M' =$ 'On input $\omega:$ A. Run for 10 steps with no actions B. Run M on $\omega$ and output the same answer (if M ever halts)'
  2. Call blackbox decider $B_{HALT \geq 10} (\langle M' \rangle, x) $ and output the same answer


  1. $H_{HALT}$ halts on every input so it is a valid decider
  2. $H{HALT} (\langle M \rangle, x)$ accepts if and only if $M(x)$ halts: a. $M$ halts on $x$ $\implies M'$ halts on $x$ after at least 10 steps $\implies B{HALT \geq 10} (\langle M' \rangle, x)$ accepts $\implies H{HALT} (\langle M \rangle, x)$ accepts b. $M$ loops on $x$ $\implies M'$ loops on $x$ $\implies B{HALT \geq 10} (\langle M' \rangle, x)$ $\implies H_{HALT} (\langle M \rangle, x)$ rejects

Therefore, $H$ is a decider for $L{HALT}$. This shows that $L{HALT}$ is a reduction of $L{HALT \geq 10}$. Since $L{HALT}$ is undecidable, so is $L_{HALT \geq 10}$


We should be able to support auto-grading these problems for Professors

Possible idea:

Client side example of using drop down example and push to server side grading over time?

Acceptance criteria

Out of scope

Full implementation with server isn't needed yet, same with professor definition. We just need to show one provocative example, could be a design to test


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pandasa123 commented 2 years ago

Proofs are a bit wider and more generalised...maybe we can look towards "given two states, design a procedure to connect" in code instead?

vabarbosa commented 7 months ago

This repository is no longer maintained. It has been superseded by IBM Quantum Learning.