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Review Syllabus designs with Professors #753

Closed lerongil closed 2 years ago

lerongil commented 2 years ago
  1. Reach out 3 Professors
  2. Ask 3 questions about their existing syllabus creation workflow
  3. Show syllabus and take notes about feedback
pandasa123 commented 2 years ago

Syllabus Review with Mattias



What do you think a Syllabus is?

Syllabus Walkthrough

It looks good and it’s easy to use

Syllabus Organisation

Downloading a PDF

How does integrate with your actual syllabus?

pandasa123 commented 2 years ago

Syllabus Review with Amir



Taught Quantum course to MIT undergrads 5 or 6 times over 5 years

What do you think a Syllabus is?

Syllabus Walkthrough

What should be in a Syllabus

Fields in here


Canvas / LMS

pandasa123 commented 2 years ago

Post-MVP items: