Qiskit / qiskit-serverless

A programming model for leveraging quantum and classical resources
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Program proxy for Qiskit Runtime requests #895

Closed IceKhan13 closed 2 months ago

IceKhan13 commented 10 months ago

What is the expected behavior?

We need to have a sidecar that proxy all QiskitRutnime requests and associate runtime jobs to Program.



One way to implement this is to add list field primitives_executions to Job model and add primitives job ids to that list. Population of this field will be happening in sidecar (basically within sidecar we will be hitting api/v1/jobs/<job_id>/primitives endpoint).

When users run job.stop() from client we stop all associated primitives to that job.

Epic https://github.com/Qiskit-Extensions/quantum-serverless/issues/1162

akihikokuroda commented 10 months ago

How can the primitive execution be hacked in the sidecar? This issue seems interesting but I'm not sure how to do it.

IceKhan13 commented 10 months ago

Qiskit runtime is an Rest api service. It looks like client for runtime (QiskitRUntimeService) is using QISKIT_IBM_URL env variable to detect where to send requests.


We can use this env variable to send request not to runtime, but to our sidecar which will be sending requests to runtime service and preserve ids of executed services.

For example inside of sidecar container we will have simple http service, something like this pseudocode:

def handle_runtime_request(request):
    # send request to runtime
    runtime_service_response = requests.post(url="RUNTIME_URL", data=request.data)

    # get primitive job id and save it to job 
    primitive_job_id = runtime_service_response.get("job_id")
    gateway_response = requests.post(
        data={"primitive_id": primitive_job_id})

    return runtime_service_response

we still need to think how to pass program_job_id 🤔

IceKhan13 commented 10 months ago

probably this issue can be splitted into 2:

akihikokuroda commented 10 months ago

we may use tracestate for program_job_id propagation.

akihikokuroda commented 10 months ago

I wonder if this feature should be in the middleware. Should Qiskit or providers be responsible to the association between the program and primitives?

IceKhan13 commented 10 months ago

I would say it should be in middleware, since we build on top of primitives. Primitives services does not know anything about higher level abstractions. At least it will be like that for now. Later on things might change :)

akihikokuroda commented 10 months ago

I see. Is there any other way to do this other than proxying the request in the sidecar? I wonder if it only works with the ibm_runtime.

IceKhan13 commented 10 months ago

🤔 I was thinking about sidecar because it is easy to turn off, it's loosely coupled. But we are more than open for other suggestions :)

IceKhan13 commented 10 months ago

we can proxy it within gateway itself :) We will just add new endpoint and that is it

akihikokuroda commented 10 months ago

I see. I wonder if it's ibm_runtime specific implementation. As far as it works with generic providers, it's OK for me.

akihikokuroda commented 9 months ago

The job.id of the quantum-middleware can be in the environment variable at the primitive.run() is called.

IceKhan13 commented 9 months ago

I see. I wonder if it's ibm_runtime specific implementation. As far as it works with generic providers, it's OK for me.

I think it is runtime specific.

The job.id of the quantum-middleware can be in the environment variable at the primitive.run() is called.

QiskitRuntimeService class has one of it's env variables called QISKIT_IBM_URL or something like that, which points to runtime service. We can swap it with our proxy url, where we will be updating records in Job to store all runtime requests.

akihikokuroda commented 9 months ago

Somehow thejob.id of the quantum-middleware need to be in the runtime request.(probably in the job_tags. It can be in the request data) The job id of the runtime is in the response job_id=response["id"] for the runtime request.

akihikokuroda commented 9 months ago

For the keeping the primitive job ids, we can add a new table with a middleware job id and a primitive job id or we can add a field to the current Job model that has the primitive job id list in a string. I guess that the former is better. @IceKhan13 WDYT?

IceKhan13 commented 9 months ago

Either way works fine.

If we want to go with second option, we will probably need to add new endpoint and handle writing this strings/list. It will be less code compared to option 1, I think 🤔

psschwei commented 9 months ago

A couple of general questions:

akihikokuroda commented 9 months ago

What I'm doing is like

more to just proxy/preserve info being passed between programs and primitives

I have to looked at what are passed between them in more details.

akihikokuroda commented 9 months ago

Qiskit runtime is an Rest api service. It looks like client for runtime (QiskitRUntimeService) is using QISKIT_IBM_URL env variable to detect where to send requests.

@IceKhan13 I don't see this env variable defined in the container running the program. It may not be simple to proxy the runtime request from the container.

akihikokuroda commented 9 months ago

@IceKhan13 I wonder if it is possible proxying the primitive requests without ibm_runtime_service change.

akihikokuroda commented 9 months ago

I found QiskitRuntimeService constructor taking proxy parameter. We may use it.

proxies (Optional[dict]) – Proxy configuration. Supported optional keys are urls (a dictionary mapping protocol or protocol and host to the URL of the proxy, documented at https://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/api/#requests.Session.proxies (opens in a new tab)), username_ntlm, password_ntlm (username and password to enable NTLM user authentication)

Tansito commented 8 months ago

Reviewing the issue and the comments and seeing that we are going to need to start configuring Istio I was thinking if we could use it as a way to analyse the traffic too for some specific DNS's, in this case runtime:


( Just come to my mind don't take it too seriously 😅 )

akihikokuroda commented 5 months ago

I'm not sure how we do this yet. Can we create a session (implicitly or explicitly by user option) so that we can cancel all jobs in the session?

Tansito commented 5 months ago

We didn't discuss it I think, Aki. Maybe we can save some time together and brainstorm ideas.

akihikokuroda commented 4 months ago

I put a sidecar container in the Ray node. I see the ray container is sending requests to I guess the address is for the backend. I can not see this address in the Ray container environment variables or the ibmruntime service object or "ibmq_qasm_simulator" backend object so far. I'll check the contents of the request next.

Tansito commented 4 months ago

Thank you @akihikokuroda ! ❤️

Friday / Monday I will start working on this too and let you know advances

akihikokuroda commented 4 months ago is api.quantum.ibm.com

Data sent for estimator.run are these.

{"program_id": "estimator", "params": {"circuits": [{"__type__": "QuantumCircuit", "__value__": "eJwL9Az29gzhYtBjgALGgkIGljQGDiCTlQEBmEBSULZ4oKO/I0yiuraQEayWkbGQARUwIukFAWYozQJXwQYVZWTADkKN3RNLUsHmpkGFOCR0XUJ+K/60z4QJwBSjqeB0IMF4RnKMZ4cazcSAHQRFRcGdD7YkFSqRB6Vh7jLwLc3RcMvJTyzRUDfSM1DXUSgoSk3OLM7Mz7M1NdbUUQiuzE3Kz9FQP7c52iBWXVOzrAxuCcxyptvPY5foPPZOXpl6VvbYNob9MAXnNoPDgRFPOARFwMOBciduwu3E1dNYj+++4pA6/XLsavuZGx3gTtxEQlQx0SOqmAZ/VFHBibSOKmZ6RBXz4I8qKjiR1lHFQo+oYhn8UcUwUFE1IJWJIZFheQBmBzAsB6QopYdDqVKQkONQOlfPOJ2IljphTTxGaEFCx2qJtk6kSnFMWydSoaSkTzFElSKdtpmGKkX6EIhucpzIwPAfCcB0AgDkvGDe"}], "observables": [{"__type__": "settings", "__module__": "qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.sparse_pauli_op", "__class__": "SparsePauliOp", "__value__": {"data": {"__type__": "settings", "__module__": "qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.pauli_list", "__class__": "PauliList", "__value__": {"data": ["IIIZZ", "IIZIZ", "IZIIZ", "ZIIIZ"]}}, "coeffs": {"__type__": "ndarray", "__value__": "eJyb7BfqGxDJyFDGUK2eklqcXKRupaBuk2xopq6joJ6WX1RSlJgXn1+UkgqScEvMKU4FihdnJBakAvkaJjqaOgq1CuQDLgYw+GDPgAKI5wMAzRsgJw=="}}}], "parameters": [[{"__type__": "Parameter", "__value__": "AAWrlgXHu9RAZZfTXas/mbFAzrJbMF0="}, {"__type__": "Parameter", "__value__": "AAWrlgXHu9RAZZfTXas/mbFBzrJbMV0="}, {"__type__": "Parameter", "__value__": "AAXb512kLONLY6llzR3GtgC/zrNbMF0="}, {"__type__": "Parameter", "__value__": "AAXb512kLONLY6llzR3GtgDAzrNbMV0="}]], "parameter_values": [[2.5628604836692714, 2.823762961794528, 5.937623207582237, 0.6271066160254924]], "transpilation_settings": {"skip_transpilation": false, "optimization_settings": {"level": 3}, "coupling_map": null, "basis_gates": null}, "resilience_settings": {"level": 0}, "run_options": {"shots": 4000, "init_qubits": true, "noise_model": null, "seed_simulator": null}}, "log_level": "WARNING", "backend": "ibmq_qasm_simulator", "start_session": true, "session_time": null, "hub": "ibm-q", "group": "open", "project": "main"}
{"program_id": "estimator", "params": {"circuits": [{"__type__": "QuantumCircuit", "__value__": "eJwL9Az29gzhYtBjgALGgkIGljQGDiCTlQEBmEBSULZ4oKO/I0yiuraQEayWkbGQARUwIukFAWYozQJXwQYVZWTADkKN3RNLUsHmpkGFOCR0XUJ+K/60z4QJwBSjqeB0IMF4RnKMZ4cazcSAHQRFRcGdD7YkFSqRB6Vh7jLwLc3RcMvJTyzRUDfSM1DXUSgoSk3OLM7Mz7M1NdbUUQiuzE3Kz9FQP7c52iBWXVOzrAxuCcxyptvPY5foPPZOXpl6VvbYNob9MAXnNoPDgRFPOARFwMOBciduwu3E1dNYj+++4pA6/XLsavuZGx3gTtxEQlQx0SOqmAZ/VFHBibSOKmZ6RBXz4I8qKjiR1lHFQo+oYhn8UcUwUFE1IJWJIZFheQBmBzAsB6QopYdDqVKQkONQOlfPOJ2IljphTTxGaEFCx2qJtk6kSnFMWydSoaSkTzFElSKdtpmGKkX6EIhucpzIwPAfCcB0AgDkvGDe"}], "observables": [{"__type__": "settings", "__module__": "qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.sparse_pauli_op", "__class__": "SparsePauliOp", "__value__": {"data": {"__type__": "settings", "__module__": "qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.pauli_list", "__class__": "PauliList", "__value__": {"data": ["IIIZZ", "IIZIZ", "IZIIZ", "ZIIIZ"]}}, "coeffs": {"__type__": "ndarray", "__value__": "eJyb7BfqGxDJyFDGUK2eklqcXKRupaBuk2xopq6joJ6WX1RSlJgXn1+UkgqScEvMKU4FihdnJBakAvkaJjqaOgq1CuQDLgYw+GDPgAKI5wMAzRsgJw=="}}}], "parameters": [[{"__type__": "Parameter", "__value__": "AAWrlgXHu9RAZZfTXas/mbFAzrJbMF0="}, {"__type__": "Parameter", "__value__": "AAWrlgXHu9RAZZfTXas/mbFBzrJbMV0="}, {"__type__": "Parameter", "__value__": "AAXb512kLONLY6llzR3GtgC/zrNbMF0="}, {"__type__": "Parameter", "__value__": "AAXb512kLONLY6llzR3GtgDAzrNbMV0="}]], "parameter_values": [[3.5628604836692714, 2.823762961794528, 5.937623207582237, 0.6271066160254924]], "transpilation_settings": {"skip_transpilation": false, "optimization_settings": {"level": 3}, "coupling_map": null, "basis_gates": null}, "resilience_settings": {"level": 0}, "run_options": {"shots": 4000, "init_qubits": true, "noise_model": null, "seed_simulator": null}}, "log_level": "WARNING", "backend": "ibmq_qasm_simulator", "session_id": "cn7ourqea9rm8bapv4q0", "hub": "ibm-q", "group": "open", "project": "main"}

From the response, job_id is captured and RuntimeJob object is created and returned i qiskit_runtime_service.py.

        job = RuntimeJob(
Tansito commented 4 months ago

@akihikokuroda how do you see to create a draft pull request and comment it together next week with mine? (I will try to create it monday / tuesday)

akihikokuroda commented 4 months ago

@Tansito So far, I'm still investigating what and how can be done in the sidecar. So I don't have anything to put in the PR except comments.

Tansito commented 4 months ago

Got it! In my case I started to do some mock-ups with Scapy and its sniff functionality (it uses tcdump under the hood). Looks good but same as you, I don't have anything integrated yet 😄

akihikokuroda commented 4 months ago

I wonder if the simple sidecar works. The communication between the client and the server is encrypted. The sidecar can not see the contents. It probably must be a TLS proxy to see the contents.

akihikokuroda commented 4 months ago

Scapy is under GPL-2.0. It may not be good for us to use.

Tansito commented 4 months ago

I wonder if the simple sidecar works. The communication between the client and the server is encrypted.

Mmm... Good catch... I don't think we can address that... Any idea? Because taking this into account I only see as solution an integration with the Runtime client (returning to other options like the callback one, and so on) 🤔

Scapy is under GPL-2.0. It may not be good for us to use.

Oh! Good catch, Aki! Thank you.

akihikokuroda commented 4 months ago

The runtime job id can be extracted in the proxy now. How can the proxy know the associated middleware job id for the runtime job id? I guess that the middleware job id must be put into the request header of the runtime job request. Is there any idea? @IceKhan13 @Tansito @psschwei

Tansito commented 4 months ago

I don't know any "standard" way to do this so probably a custom header would be my option to go.

akihikokuroda commented 4 months ago

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 8 33 12 AM Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 8 33 39 AM Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 8 34 00 AM

akihikokuroda commented 4 months ago

@psschwei @IceKhan13 @Tansito☝️

akihikokuroda commented 4 months ago

To make this work, the QiskitRuntimeService must be created with verify=False. If Istio takes care of (m-)TLS among pods and each app doesn't use TLS, this proxy works (with some modifications), too.

akihikokuroda commented 4 months ago

Webserver based proxy is working. I can take out the iptables configuration when we get the way to fake the backend address.

Tansito commented 2 months ago

Do you think we can close this pull request, @akihikokuroda ?

akihikokuroda commented 2 months ago

Yes,we can. I'll open one to update the job.stop()tomorrow.