Qiskit / red-queen

Quantum software benchmarking tool
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Add tket queko mapping benchmark #4

Closed mtreinish closed 2 years ago

mtreinish commented 2 years ago

This commit adds a new benchmark for testing tket's performance on the queko benchmark suite. It runs queko with two different layout (placement in the tket terminology) algorithms and the default routing/mapping pass. The only place where these benchmarks are less than ideal is that to get things to work correctly I needed to copy each circuit in the timed function. Without this the inplace mutation and shared references was causing the benchmarks to fail. Hopefully a better long term solution can be found eventually.

mtreinish commented 2 years ago

I'm running this locally now (it's quite slow compared to qiskit and tweedledum) the only thing that I still need to verify works is gate counting at the end and that we're returning a valid swap cx count

mtreinish commented 2 years ago

It looks like it's working correctly (except for the hard coded layout method string). The results locally are:

                       Benchmark: 54QBT_900CYC_QSE_5.qasm                       
┃ Name           ┃ Min          ┃ Max          ┃ Mean         ┃ cx             ┃
│ tket           │ 187 (1.0)    │ 190.3 (1.0)  │ 188.4 (1.0)  │ 1.207e+04      │
│ (GraphPlaceme… │              │              │              │ (1.0)          │
│ + Routing)     │              │              │              │                │
│ tket           │ 231.3 (1.24) │ 235.4 (1.24) │ 233.3 (1.24) │ 1.7e+04 (1.41) │
│ (GraphPlaceme… │              │              │              │                │
│ + Routing)     │              │              │              │                │

                       Benchmark: 54QBT_900CYC_QSE_6.qasm                       
┃ Name           ┃ Min          ┃ Max          ┃ Mean         ┃ cx             ┃
│ tket           │ 46.79 (1.0)  │ 47.54 (1.0)  │ 47.02 (1.0)  │ 3126 (1.0)     │
│ (GraphPlaceme… │              │              │              │                │
│ + Routing)     │              │              │              │                │
│ tket           │ 94.46 (2.02) │ 111.7 (2.35) │ 99.63 (2.12) │ 1.09e+04       │
│ (GraphPlaceme… │              │              │              │ (3.49)         │
│ + Routing)     │              │              │              │                │

                       Benchmark: 54QBT_900CYC_QSE_7.qasm                       
┃ Name          ┃ Min          ┃ Max           ┃ Mean         ┃ cx             ┃
│ tket          │ 22.92 (1.0)  │ 23.73 (1.0)   │ 23.35 (1.0)  │ 672 (1.0)      │
│ (GraphPlacem… │              │               │              │                │
│ + Routing)    │              │               │              │                │
│ tket          │ 177.2 (7.73) │ 279.6 (11.78) │ 227.7 (9.75) │ 2.029e+04      │
│ (GraphPlacem… │              │               │              │ (30.20)        │
│ + Routing)    │              │               │              │                │

                       Benchmark: 54QBT_900CYC_QSE_8.qasm                       
┃ Name          ┃ Min           ┃ Max           ┃ Mean          ┃ cx           ┃
│ tket          │ 9.994 (1.0)   │ 10.14 (1.0)   │ 10.09 (1.0)   │ 279 (1.0)    │
│ (GraphPlacem… │               │               │               │              │
│ + Routing)    │               │               │               │              │
│ tket          │ 198.1 (19.82) │ 205.5 (20.27) │ 203.3 (20.16) │ 1.459e+04    │
│ (GraphPlacem… │               │               │               │ (52.30)      │
│ + Routing)    │               │               │               │              │

                       Benchmark: 54QBT_900CYC_QSE_9.qasm                       
┃ Name            ┃ Min         ┃ Max          ┃ Mean         ┃ cx             ┃
│ tket            │ 22.62 (1.0) │ 22.79 (1.0)  │ 22.7 (1.0)   │ 909 (1.0)      │
│ (GraphPlacement │             │              │              │                │
│ + Routing)      │             │              │              │                │
│ tket            │ 192 (8.49)  │ 197.8 (8.68) │ 195.3 (8.60) │ 1.518e+04      │
│ (GraphPlacement │             │              │              │ (16.70)        │
│ + Routing)      │             │              │              │                │
boschmitt commented 2 years ago