Qix- / color-convert

Plain color conversion functions in JavaScript
MIT License
746 stars 96 forks source link

Can we get a proper changelog? #68

Closed sebastienfi closed 3 years ago

sebastienfi commented 5 years ago

Looking at the breaking change information in your changelog because I wanted to migrate from 1.x to 2.x, and couldn't find any. I recommend using NPM Package stanrdard-version and start using conventional-commits.

fregante commented 5 years ago

To find out how a major version breaks compat I usually look at the commit list:

Screenshot 2019-03-29 at 08 30 06

You can see move to ES2016 in there and that's probably it.

The diff seems to confirm it, there are no changes to the readme so the API is the same: https://github.com/Qix-/color-convert/compare/1.9.3...master

sindresorhus commented 5 years ago

@Qix- If you use np to publish it will generate a changelog for you and open a new GitHub Releases draft ;)

Qix- commented 3 years ago

Changelog isn't something I'm interested in, and I'm not a huge fan of automation tools like np as I've had them bite me before (e.g. release).

I will, however, begin to add summations to the Releases page upon pushing releases.