Qixalite / SpongeStart

Gradle plugin to run sponge inside your workspace.
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Change launcher to Idea's jar launcher #4

Open randombyte-developer opened 7 years ago

randombyte-developer commented 7 years ago

SpongeForge version: 1.11.2-2227-6.0.0-BETA-2260 SpongeStart version: 1.6.2 Gradle version: 3.1

When running the generated run configuration for the forge server: https://pastebin.com/XMjHmaXt

thomas15v commented 7 years ago

Urgh I really should change to the idea jar launcher (which I might since the current method has to may problems) . It also looks like their are sponge dependencies marked as compile in your classpath.

randombyte-developer commented 7 years ago

You can basically take any of my recent updated plugins and test. Example plugin: https://github.com/randombyte-developer/easy-tellraw/blob/master/build.gradle (will release it today) Using sponge vanilla #1 happens. Using sponge forge (for 1.11.2) the error above happens. The current workaround is(as you can see in the build file) using sponge forge for 1.10.

thomas15v commented 7 years ago

Yeah I bet the kapt "org.spongepowered:spongeapi:5.1.0" is messing it up. Since the plugin will look in the compile scope to remap all the dependencies to provided.

The way I code most of my plugins atm is with the following. When I press "start server" the following happens:

  1. Idea runs a task build plugin
  2. The task packages the plugin and copies the jar to the plugins folder
  3. Idea starts it's jar launcher which launches the server.

This does have some downsides:

Positive things are:

I don't know if this would be a good idea for SpongeStart tho. So what do you think? Scratch this messy classlauncher and run it correctly?

randombyte-developer commented 7 years ago

You have to build your plugin for each run. But android development is also done this way so it shouldn't be such a pain.

Doesn't bother me, the compiler is fast, especially with Kotlin's incremental compilation.

Your plugin runs in an obfuscated environment which might make debugging more troublesome.

Do you mean that NMS is obfuscated? It was anyway with SpongeStart. This didn't bother me, too.

  • No need for a custom launcher class
  • More guarantees that it actually will work (no more fiddling with gradle)
  • Supports mixin plugins (with the current setup this doesn't work)

Well, good. :+1:

I changed kapt to compile and it is still the same error. Doesn't matter since I use a forge server for 1.10.2.

I am looking forward to the a new SpongeStart! Is there anything I could help with?

thomas15v commented 7 years ago

I am looking forward to the a new SpongeStart! Is there anything I could help with?

Wel to make this it is fairly simple:

randombyte-developer commented 7 years ago

Wait, code hotswapping won't be possible anymore, right? That would be really really sad...

thomas15v commented 7 years ago

No, hot swapping will still work.

randombyte-developer commented 7 years ago

Ok, but we are talking about building the plugin to a jar and then copying the jar to the mods folder?

thomas15v commented 7 years ago

Yes. But as far I understood IDEA launches the jar in its own kind of wrapper (in debug mode). Which has the ability to replace classes. Even if you aren't actually launching from these classes. So far I know the only requirements is that the name of the class is the same.

randombyte-developer commented 7 years ago

I can't find any documentation on 'IntelliJ jar launcher'.

thomas15v commented 7 years ago

Yeah: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/2017.1/run-debug-configuration-jar-application.html. It doesn't say anything about debugging. But I tested it before with noxray and it worked fine (not for mixins tho, but that is to be expected).

randombyte-developer commented 7 years ago

Are we going to directly manipulate the xml run configuration files? Like it is done now?

thomas15v commented 7 years ago

I am not really a fan of it. But apparently it works the best to solve the permission problems (although it makes zero sense to me).

randombyte-developer commented 7 years ago

How I fire up a test server:

  1. Download SpongeVanilla/Forge to some run folder
  2. New run configuration.
  3. Main class: org.spongepowered.server.launch.VersionCheckingMain
  4. VM options: -classpath path/to/project/run/vanilla/vanillaServer.jar:<otherStuff> where otherStuff is the whole classpath IntelliJ adds when I start a server with SpongeStart. I seems to include all the paths to the dependencies in jar form, e.g for the kotlin-stdlib: /home/randombyte/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib/1.1.1/98e484e67f913e934559f7f55f0c94be5593f03c/kotlin-stdlib-1.1.1.jar.
  5. Program args: --scan-classpath to make Sponge look for plugins in the classpath.
  6. Hit run and it works flawlessly.

The cool thing about this is that the plugin isn't provided as a built jar but in form of the build folder. The otherStuff I mentioned also contains this: /home/randombyte/development/sponge/projects/holograms/build/classes/main.

Code hotswapping and debugging works.

The challenge is here to get the otherStuff. As I said I do this by running SpongeStart and then copying it. Can we somehow generate this classpath with all dependencies? It has like 25 entries.

thomas15v commented 7 years ago

Wait can you overwrite the entire run configuration classpath with that?

randombyte-developer commented 7 years ago

It says so here:

The -classpath option specified in this field overrides the classpath of the module.

thomas15v commented 7 years ago

Whoa. You just found the holy grail to fix this issue.

randombyte-developer commented 7 years ago

How much would you have to change code wise to get it to work?

thomas15v commented 7 years ago

Nah still a lot, but the -classpath solution is way cleaner than what I did. But as you might have notice time to start back to coding is more a problem for me 😟.

randombyte-developer commented 7 years ago

A fork/rework of this plugin fixing this issue amongst other things: https://github.com/ImMorpheus/SpongeStart/commit/58805d754295876f1bf2f3fba30651c5695adbb7