QodotPlugin / qodot-plugin

(LEGACY) Quake .map support for Godot 3.x
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How To Setup Qodot On Linux? #113

Closed RilDev closed 3 years ago

RilDev commented 3 years ago

Good day,

I am very new to Godot development and came across Qodot as being a very good alternative to Blender.

I read the Wiki but I still don't understand what the Qodot_Trenchbroom_Config_Folder.tres or how to open it from within Godot or even where to move it.

My goal here is to be able to create a Qodot project in Trench Broom, to export it and to import it into Godot.

Could someone help me out?

Thank you!

Pio64 commented 3 years ago

The instructions are here, but they are probably incomplete: https://github.com/Shfty/qodot-plugin/wiki/1.-Installation.

  1. Clone the repository with its submodules.
  2. Install scons.
  3. Run the build-x11.sh script that comes with Qodot.
  4. Copy Qodot's addons folder into your Godot's game project folder.
  5. Open your project in Godot. Go to Project > Project Settings > Plugins and enable Qodot.

If it works, you will have additional nodes that you can add to your scene such as QodotMap.

RilDev commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your help @Pio64!

I was able to install and enable Qodot.


But I still didn't manage to make the game available in TrenchBroom.


I changed the path to my TrenchBroom folder like it says in the documentation and exported the file: https://github.com/Shfty/qodot-plugin/wiki/7.-TrenchBroom


The folder for the game "Qodot" was created successfully:


Do you know what went wrong?

Pio64 commented 3 years ago

For me the correct path is: ~/.TrenchBroom/games. Try putting your exported Qodot folder there.

RilDev commented 3 years ago

Thank you it worked!

So for reference (hi future me), here is how I did it:

  1. Download TrenchBroom and install it:

Download it from TrenchBroom's GitHub release page. And install it sudo apt install ./TrenchBroom*.deb. Don't install it with snap because it doesn't create the ~/.TrenchBroom/games folder!

  1. In Godot, install the Qodot plugin like in the docs.
  2. Export the Godot game to TrenchBroom like specified in the docs. The correct path on Linux is ~/.TrenchBroom/games.
  3. Launch trenchbroom and you should see you game there!


Tip: Change the name of the game in TrenchBroom in the "Game Name" section of the qodot_trenchbroom_config_folder.tres & qodot_trenchbroom_config_file.tres files.


Thanks again for your help @Pio64!