QodotPlugin / qodot-plugin

(LEGACY) Quake .map support for Godot 3.x
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QodotMap won't apply textures with spaces in the filename or filepath #136

Open DeerTears opened 2 years ago

DeerTears commented 2 years ago

Qodot version: 1.7 (from releases, downloaded thru assetlib)

If a texture has a space in its name, Qodot will not apply the texture to the surface.

This is true for folders with spaces as well, turning otherwise-working textures into textures that Qodot can't build because the subfolder name has a space. For example, moving texture.png into /sub folder creates the same issue.

While at least one empty surface slot is successfully created on the worldspawn mesh for all missing textures, no additional texture slots are created for multiple missing textures, they all conglomerate onto one, un-assigned surface.



Example of this bug in action:

Trenchbroom: image

Qodot: image

Same file, same directory, but the one on the right has a space in the name.

What I'd like as a fix:

  1. Allow spaces in filenames

Some texture packs like Screaming Brain Studios use spaces in their texture names, which makes them unusable until every single texture is renamed. It's tedious and adds extra steps to the process.

But if this is really something that can't be fixed then at the very least:

  1. Throw an error to the user when a space in a texture filename is found.

This will at least clue more people in to this fact, I can also add a note in the documentation about this.