QodotPlugin / qodot-plugin

(LEGACY) Quake .map support for Godot 3.x
MIT License
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Opening examples #98

Closed seadra closed 4 years ago

seadra commented 4 years ago


Great work! I have no prior experience in Trenchbroom, but I can't seem to open them, and couldn't find much in the documentation either.

The workflow to create a custom game is a bit... manual, but I did get around that and managed to create the custom game type (I created a TrenchBroomGameDefinitionFolder resource, filled in the directory name, and copied the output of TrenchBroomGameDefinitionFolder into the Trenchbroom/games folder).

When I open any of the maps in Trenchbroom, though, no textures or other resources appear. Instead, I get the error:

Could not load texture collection 'textures/materials': Directory not found: 'textures/materials'
Could not load texture collection 'textures/shaders': Directory not found: 'textures/shaders'
Could not load texture collection 'textures/special': Directory not found: 'textures/special'

I am clearly missing something, I am hoping you could point me into the right direction.

seadra commented 4 years ago

Never mind, I found it! I had to change the relevant Game Path in Trenchbroom's Preferences!