Qolzam / firestore-social-backend

The backend code of firestore client for React Social Network
MIT License
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Error after npm start #20

Open GuyHabert opened 4 years ago

GuyHabert commented 4 years ago

Hi, i followed all your installation instructions and when i do npm start in cmd in functions directory i get this error listed below. Do you know what I need to do to fix it? Thank you!

functions@ start C:\Users\edens\seconde social network\firestore-social-backend\functions npm run build && firebase deploy

functions@ build C:\Users\edens\seconde social network\firestore-social-backend\functions webpack

Starting type checking service... Using 1 worker with 2048MB memory limit Hash: b571d372100659d5c07d Version: webpack 4.42.1 Time: 4741ms Built at: 2020-03-25 11:24:59 Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names index.js 21.6 KiB 0 [emitted] main Entrypoint main = index.js [0] external "firebase-functions" 42 bytes {0} [built] [1] ./src/data/index.ts 215 bytes {0} [built] [2] ./src/domain/common/index.ts 336 bytes {0} [built] [3] external "express" 42 bytes {0} [built] [4] ./src/data/httpStatusCode.ts 3.91 KiB {0} [built] [5] external "moment" 42 bytes {0} [built] [6] external "body-parser" 42 bytes {0} [built] [7] ./src/domain/authorize/verification.ts 488 bytes {0} [built] [8] external "request" 42 bytes {0} [built] [14] ./src/index.ts 943 bytes {0} [built] [15] ./src/services/authorize/authorizeService.ts 12.7 KiB {0} [built] [22] ./src/services/authorize/publicAuthService.ts 11.6 KiB {0} [built] [24] ./src/services/users/userService.ts 6.2 KiB {0} [built] [25] ./src/services/common/mailService.ts 1.22 KiB {0} [built] [26] ./src/services/comments/commentService.ts 3.18 KiB {0} [built]

WARNING in configuration The 'mode' option has not been set, webpack will fallback to 'production' for this value. Set 'mode' option to 'development' or 'production' to enable defaults for each environment. You can also set it to 'none' to disable any default behavior. Learn more: https://webpack.js.org/configuration/mode/

ERROR in C:/Users/edens/seconde social network/firestore-social-backend/functions/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/apps.d.ts ERROR in C:/Users/edens/seconde social network/firestore-social-backend/functions/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/apps.d.ts(7,44): TS2304: Cannot find name 'unknown'.

ERROR in C:/Users/edens/seconde social network/firestore-social-backend/functions/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/apps.d.ts ERROR in C:/Users/edens/seconde social network/firestore-social-backend/functions/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/apps.d.ts(26,13): TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.

ERROR in C:/Users/edens/seconde social network/firestore-social-backend/functions/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/providers/pubsub.d.ts ERROR in C:/Users/edens/seconde social network/firestore-social-backend/functions/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/providers/pubsub.d.ts(71,9): TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context. npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 2 npm ERR! functions@ build: webpack npm ERR! Exit status 2 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the functions@ build script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\edens\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2020-03-25T09_24_59_615Z-debug.log npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 2 npm ERR! functions@ start: npm run build && firebase deploy npm ERR! Exit status 2 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the functions@ start script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\edens\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2020-03-25T09_24_59_668Z-debug.log