Qoracoin / Qora

Public GIT for the Qora cryptocurrency project.
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Qora blockchain synchronization improvements #64

Closed catbref closed 6 years ago

catbref commented 7 years ago

Remove old mapdb jar files to force use of mapdb v1.0.9. Updated .classpath to reflect this.

Improve debugging log message in AT_Controller when MD5 conflicts occur.

Add code to BlockMap.java to correctly initialize atomic vars which fixes ClassCastException where String can't be cast to [B

Correctly detect and report timeouts from peers (in Peer.java), plus improve tidying up map of message IDs we're waiting for.

Detect and report not receiving a block from a peer (in Synchronizer.java) then exit block nicely instead of throw()ing. This fixes issue #61

Use LOGGER not System.out for reporting when a block has been processed in Block.java

When processing a "Deploy AT" transaction, there are no actual recipients for that transaction type so don't try to generate them. This fixes issue #60

Change LOGGER from private to protected in Transaction.java to allow subclasses to use it.