Qovery / Replibyte

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chore: add a release script, version number in metadata.json file and… #129

Closed fabriceclementz closed 2 years ago

fabriceclementz commented 2 years ago

Hi @evoxmusic This PR adds a release.sh script to handle version number change in the different cargo.toml sub crates. He's strongly inspired from https://github.com/tremor-rs/tremor-runtime/blob/main/release.sh (thx to them).

I've added a version number in the metadata.json file which correspond to the current RepliByte version and rename the backups key to dumps. As there is no version number now, I trigger a "migration" to handle that without breaking changes.

I need to verify some things but you can already review it. Thx for your feedback. Note: once, you upgrade with a newer replibyte version, you can't rollback without manually editing the metadata.json file as is updated.

Closes #108

evoxmusic commented 2 years ago

Incredible job. It will help to keep safe using Replibyte across different versions. I review it :)

evoxmusic commented 2 years ago

For me, it's all good. My only feedback would be to maybe provide a way to properly execute version updates. Instead of hardcoding version check and schema upgrade. We can maybe provide a trait with a function that can be executed if the version is equal to or lower than a certain number until it reaches the target. (It's probably premature optimization since we don't have to deal with too many version changes right now. We can keep an eye on that)

fabriceclementz commented 2 years ago

Thx for your feedback @evoxmusic I really appreciate!

To be sure to understand what you think of to have a better implementation for the long run. Is it for example a Migration trait like so:


trait Migration {
    /// minimal version for which the migration needs to be triggered.
    fn minimal_version(&self) -> Version;

    /// run the migration.
    fn run(&self, datastore: &Box<dyn Datastore>) -> Result<(), Error>;

// Migrator handles the logic to run migrations, he knows which migrations needs to be run
pub struct Migrator<'a> {
    datastore: &'a Box<dyn Datastore>,
    migrations: Vec<Box<dyn Migration>>,

impl<'a> Migrator<'a> {
    pub fn new(datastore: &'a Box<dyn Datastore>) -> Self {
        Self {
            migrations: vec![Box::new(AddVersionNumber::default())],

    /// run all registered migrations when the minimal version is matched.
    pub fn migrate(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
        for migration in &self.migrations {
            if self.should_run_migration(migration) {
                let _ = migration.run(&self.datastore)?;


    fn should_run_migration(&self, migration: &Box<dyn Migration>) -> bool {
        // TODO: fix this hardcoded implementation

And an implementation of this Migration trait for adding/updating the version number should look like:

pub struct AddVersionNumber {}

impl AddVersionNumber {
    pub fn default() -> Self {
        Self {}

impl Migration for AddVersionNumber {
    fn minimal_version(&self) -> Version {

    fn run(&self, datastore: &Box<dyn Datastore>) -> Result<(), Error> {
        info!("migrate: add version number");

        let mut raw_index_file = datastore.raw_index_file()?;

        match raw_index_file.as_object_mut() {
            Some(metadata) => {
                // TODO: fix to add insert or update
                metadata.insert("v".to_string(), json!(get_replibyte_version()));
            None => {
                return Err(Error::new(
                    "migrate: metadata.json is not an object",


The migrator would be executed after the datastore is instantiate:

let migrator = Migrator::new(&datastore);
let _ = migrator.migrate()?;
evoxmusic commented 2 years ago

Exactly πŸ’― - this is exactly what I had in mind πŸ‘πŸ½ (sorry for letting you interpret it 😊 )

fabriceclementz commented 2 years ago

Exactly πŸ’― - this is exactly what I had in mind πŸ‘πŸ½ (sorry for letting you interpret it 😊 )

No problem! I think it's ok now, I've refactored a to add a trait. As you said, It's probably a premature optimization but it's ready if we need to add more migrations πŸ™‚ The metadata.json updates are running smoothly with both datastore.