Qovery / terraform-provider-qovery

Qovery Terraform Provider
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Healtchecks - Provider produced inconsistent result after apply #354

Open MikeAtJulaya opened 5 months ago

MikeAtJulaya commented 5 months ago

Hi team 👋🏼

I create a terraform qovery module for a compliant, secure and sharable ready to go for the team.

For the healtchecks my module add default values when not passed, cause there are required.

But I think for the type there is a missing control:

My input:

 ~ healthchecks                   = {
          + liveness_probe  = {
              + failure_threshold     = 3
              + initial_delay_seconds = 30
              + period_seconds        = 10
              + success_threshold     = 1
              + timeout_seconds       = 10
              + type                  = {}
          + readiness_probe = {
              + failure_threshold     = 3
              + initial_delay_seconds = 30
              + period_seconds        = 10
              + success_threshold     = 1
              + timeout_seconds       = 10
              + type                  = {}

The error:

 Error: Provider produced inconsistent result after apply
│ When applying changes to
│ module.mymodule.qovery_application.this["mymodule-worker"], provider
│ "provider[\"registry.terraform.io/qovery/qovery\"]" produced an unexpected
│ new value: .healthchecks.readiness_probe: was
│ cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{"failure_threshold":cty.NumberIntVal(3),
│ "initial_delay_seconds":cty.NumberIntVal(30),
│ "period_seconds":cty.NumberIntVal(10),
│ "success_threshold":cty.NumberIntVal(1),
│ "timeout_seconds":cty.NumberIntVal(10),
│ "type":cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{"exec":cty.NullVal(cty.Object(map[string]cty.Type{"command":cty.List(cty.String)})),
│ "grpc":cty.NullVal(cty.Object(map[string]cty.Type{"port":cty.Number,
│ "service":cty.String})),
│ "http":cty.NullVal(cty.Object(map[string]cty.Type{"path":cty.String,
│ "port":cty.Number, "scheme":cty.String})),
│ "tcp":cty.NullVal(cty.Object(map[string]cty.Type{"host":cty.String,
│ "port":cty.Number}))})}), but now null.
│ This is a bug in the provider, which should be reported in the provider's
│ own issue tracker.

If I create a port and add a type (http for example), it's working without errors:

+ healthchecks                   = {
          + liveness_probe  = {
              + failure_threshold     = 3
              + initial_delay_seconds = 30
              + period_seconds        = 10
              + success_threshold     = 1
              + timeout_seconds       = 10
              + type                  = {
                  + http = {
                      + path   = "/"
                      + port   = 3000
                      + scheme = "HTTP"
          + readiness_probe = {
              + failure_threshold     = 3
              + initial_delay_seconds = 30
              + period_seconds        = 10
              + success_threshold     = 1
              + timeout_seconds       = 10
              + type                  = {
                  + http = {
                      + path   = "/"
                      + port   = 3000
                      + scheme = "HTTP"
      + ports                          = [
          + {
              + id                  = (known after apply)
              + internal_port       = 3000
              + is_default          = true
              + name                = "worker"
              + protocol            = "HTTP"
              + publicly_accessible = false

Why I would not have a type? idk it was a test for a worker ^^

cheers 🍺

evoxmusic commented 5 months ago

Much appreciated @MikeAtJulaya 🙏🏽