Qowyn / ark-tools

Tools to work with the binary files of ark. Extract information, manipulate them or write them from scratch.
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NullPointerException when converting ragnarok.json to ragnarok.ark #41

Open TGCAmris opened 4 years ago

TGCAmris commented 4 years ago

I got the following error messages:

A:\ARKServer\ARKTools\ark-tools>ark-tools j2m ragnarokOM.json ragnarokOM.ark java.lang.NullPointerException at qowyn.ark.properties.PropertyBase.(PropertyBase.java:36) at qowyn.ark.properties.PropertyUnknown.(PropertyUnknown.java:23) at qowyn.ark.properties.PropertyRegistry.readJson(PropertyRegistry.java:68) at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$3$1.accept(Unknown Source) at java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining(Unknown Source) at java.util.Spliterators$IteratorSpliterator.forEachRemaining(Unknown Source) at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(Unknown Source) at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(Unknown Source) at java.util.stream.ReduceOps$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(Unknown Source) at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(Unknown Source) at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.collect(Unknown Source) at qowyn.ark.structs.StructPropertyList.(StructPropertyList.java:44) at qowyn.ark.structs.StructRegistry.readJson(StructRegistry.java:59) at qowyn.ark.arrays.ArkArrayStruct.(ArkArrayStruct.java:65) at qowyn.ark.arrays.ArkArrayRegistry.readJson(ArkArrayRegistry.java:52) at qowyn.ark.properties.PropertyArray.(PropertyArray.java:59) at qowyn.ark.properties.PropertyRegistry.readJson(PropertyRegistry.java:68) at qowyn.ark.GameObject.readJson(GameObject.java:207) at qowyn.ark.GameObject.(GameObject.java:73) at qowyn.ark.ArkSavegame.readJsonObjects(ArkSavegame.java:747) at qowyn.ark.ArkSavegame.readJson(ArkSavegame.java:679) at qowyn.ark.tools.ConvertingCommands.fromJson(ConvertingCommands.java:121) at qowyn.ark.tools.ConvertingCommands.jsonToMap(ConvertingCommands.java:28) at qowyn.ark.tools.App.main(App.java:125)

I got these messages when trying to convert a ragnarok.json savegame with mods back to .ark. And I got the very same error message when I trying to convert a ragnarok.json savegame without any mods back to .ark. So the mods aren't the problem. I tried first with jre 1.8.0_251 and then with jdk 14.0.1. Very same error messages. So the java version isn't the problem either.

Unfortunately I have near zero programming experience myself. Would someone maybe look into this and update the ark-tools? Please? :D

zokradonh commented 4 years ago

Maybe the same error like #38 Do you have S+ flex pipes/cables on your map?

TGCAmris commented 4 years ago

No mods: no s+ items :D

As I posted above: The exact same error messages came up when I tried to convert a save game file without any mods.

zokradonh commented 4 years ago

Oh, you are right. 🤦