Qrome / printer-monitor

OctoPrint 3D Printer Monitor using Wemos D1 Mini ESP8266
MIT License
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octoeverywhere integration #144

Open DocZagreus opened 2 years ago

DocZagreus commented 2 years ago

hi =) this is not an issue but more a question. Octo everywhere has a cool feature called "Share Connection" that allows you to create a link that allows apps to connect to Octoprint via Octoeverywhere, in order for example, to check your printer while you are not at home, using your smartphone. Is there a chance to implement a way to let the printer monitor connect to octoprint using the Share Connection feature? This feature would let the monitor be able to show the printing infos even if it isn't connected to the same wifi that's octoprint is connected to. I tried to paste the shared link into the Octoprint Address, and the API from my octoprint API. Clicking on the test button it seems that the web interface is able to retrieve the informations, but on the main page, in the status field, there is a 301 server error message.

victor7376 commented 2 years ago

Looking at the plug-in you would need a https connection which I don’t think printer-monitor has programmed into it.