QtCurve / qtcurve

QtCurve Theme
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Horizontal gradients #15

Open nick87720z opened 10 years ago

nick87720z commented 10 years ago

Two gradients, horizontal and vertical in simplest way could just multiply, resulting into area gradient. Another, probably better way: imagein e.g., rectangle rounded button is painted by line, placed and rotating in button's center. Line connects real border of widget, not bounding box. Gradient to draw with should be interpolation between horizontal and vertical samples.

First way could be simpler. but not so aware if real widget's geometry - i.e., only for square widgets with possibly tiny rounding or other deviations.

yuyichao commented 10 years ago

Improving background gradient is also on the plan. I would need to figure out a way that is both flexible and compatible with the current configure file.

One way I am thinking of is background image. Another one is with 2d interpolation. Both of them should be pretty flexible but I'm not sure what's the common use.

Could you please list some common uses as well as their requirement and probably what exactly do you mean by "geometry aware"?


nick87720z commented 10 years ago

Geometry awareness is e.g. handling enough big button rounding, which on max value really makes button ends looking like half-circless rather than rectangle with fancy omitable smoothing roundings.

Hm...i'm not sure now about goodness if this proposed "G-aware" way. Another way is probably to have special small gradient, applied not to whole button, but to edge. I did not think about better realization specially yet.

As for compatibility... it is expected to be too featureful comparing to older, but it should not make older format incompatible. At least conversion should be possible without feature losses.