QtCurve / qtcurve

QtCurve Theme
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Heavy, blurry arrows in gtk #61

Closed kachelaqa closed 10 years ago

kachelaqa commented 10 years ago

Using version 1.8.18, the arrows in gtk have become heavy and blurry. This is in contrast with version 1.8.17, where the arrows looked the same as in non-gtk applications. Is there any way to revert to the old behaviour? Here's some screenshots to show what I mean.

Version 1.8.17 qtcurve-arrows-1 8 17

Version 1.8.18 qtcurve-arrows-1 8 18

yuyichao commented 10 years ago

.... I hate these Anti-alias business .....

= = .... seems that github automatically close the issue by parsing the commit message? Anyway, should be fixed ..... PLZ test.

kachelaqa commented 10 years ago

Thanks. I will try later today and report back if it's not working for me.