QuKunLab / SpatialBenchmarking

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information on datasets #10

Closed giovp closed 2 years ago

giovp commented 2 years ago


thanks a lot for making code and data avialble for this benchmark, is very useful. I was wondering if you could provide more info on the datasets image

in particular, what's the difference between DataUpload and TestData ?

Thanks again!

wenruyustc commented 2 years ago

Hi~, you can get more information about 45 datsets from Supplementary Tables 1&2. (https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41592-022-01480-9/MediaObjects/41592_2022_1480_MOESM4_ESM.xlsx) And For test datasetes, we just uploaded the data that used in jupyter. We also have a README file for these files in data download web (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jDjGbStWJA7OLqyMY0ameVYxLC5Z4vCh/view?usp=sharing).

giovp commented 2 years ago

thanks a lot @wenruyustc ! Is that correct that only the folder SimualtedSpatalData contains the data used for the deconvolution benchmark?

wenruyustc commented 2 years ago

Hi , yes, For fig4e, we only used data in folder SimualtedSpatalData for the deconvolution benchmark, and the 45 real datasets are used for gene prediction benchmark

giovp commented 2 years ago

that's great, thanks a lot for the prompt reply!