QuKunLab / SpatialBenchmarking

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Cannot download the datasets mentioned in the tutorial #20

Open HelloWorldLTY opened 1 year ago

HelloWorldLTY commented 1 year ago

Hi, I found the download link in the tutorial does not work:


Could you please update this link? Thanks a lot.

HelloWorldLTY commented 1 year ago

Also, I find a bug in the github code:

I think it should be: np.save("novo.npy", gw)

NameError Traceback (most recent call last)

in 20 test = SpatialGenes.GenePrediction(RNA_path, Spatial_path, location_path, train_list = train_list, test_list = test_list, outdir = outdir) 21 Methods = ['SpaGE', 'Seurat', 'SpaOTsc', 'novoSpaRc', 'LIGER'] ---> 22 Result = test.Imputing(Methods) 23 /gpfs/gibbs/pi/zhao/tl688/SpatialBenchmarking/Benchmarking/SpatialGenes.py in Imputing(self, need_tools) 294 295 if "novoSpaRc" in need_tools: --> 296 result_Novosparc = self.novoSpaRc_impute() 297 if not os.path.exists(self.outdir): 298 os.mkdir(self.outdir) /gpfs/gibbs/pi/zhao/tl688/SpatialBenchmarking/Benchmarking/SpatialGenes.py in novoSpaRc_impute(self) 188 alpha_linear = 0.5 189 gw = nc.rc._GWadjusted.gromov_wasserstein_adjusted_norm(cost_marker_genes, cost_expression, cost_locations,alpha_linear, p_expression, p_location,'square_loss', epsilon=5e-3, verbose=True) --> 190 np.save(novo.npy, gw) 191 sdge = np.dot(dge.T, gw) 192 imputed = pd.DataFrame(sdge,index=RNA_data.index) NameError: name 'novo' is not defined
joan-yanqiong commented 11 months ago

Hi, I found the download link in the tutorial does not work:


Could you please update this link? Thanks a lot.

I used the link provided in the ReadMe file which does seem to work for me at least Google Drive