QuTech-Delft / OpenQL

OpenQL: A Portable Quantum Programming Framework for Quantum Accelerators. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3474222
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v3 without conan #496

Closed rturrado closed 10 months ago

rturrado commented 11 months ago


Updated C++ version to C++23. Updated GitHub Actions to build in gcc/clang/msvc x Linux/MacOS/Windows x Debug/Release. Updated dependency management to be done through FetchContent instead of git submodules.

Reorganized tests, examples, and resources.

Reorganized tests.

Reorganized resources.

Reorganized examples.

The structure of the test folder is:

  |- ql
  |  \- com, ir, pass, utils...
  \- v1x
     |- cpp
     |  \- example
     \- python
        |- example
        \- visualizer

The structure of the res/v1x folder is:

  |- cq
  |  |- example
  |  \- golden
  |- json
  |  \- visualizer
  \- qasm
     \- golden

v1x stands for cQasm v1.x. There may be folders such as v3x in the future.

File changes

pablolh commented 11 months ago

few comments I think this can be merged quickly!