QuXiangjie / Property-management-MERN

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Initial Set up #2

Open QuXiangjie opened 2 months ago

QuXiangjie commented 2 months ago

Initial learning this project

Set up

Create a folder of this project, set up the necessary library

cd "Web Development/ Property managment"
npm create vite@latest client
Choose React and Javascript+swc

cd client
npm I

Now we are going to download the taiwindcss



when you are using vite, it is a different story

npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init

/* @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} / module.exports = { content: ["./src/*/.{html,js}"], theme: { extend: {}, }, plugins: [], } 增加这条指令到tailwind配置文件中, tailwind.config.js

@tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities; 增加到index.css

需要添加插件ES7+ React7/Redux... Auto Rename Tag console Ninja Github copilit

taiwindcss intelligence need to be set up:

"tailwindCSS.emmetCompletions": true, "editor.inlineSuggest.enabled": true, "editor.quickSuggestions": { "strings": true }, "css.validate": false,

rfc in app.jsx

QuXiangjie commented 2 months ago

When I want to start the front end, I need to use npm run dev in the client folder When I want to start the back end, I need to use npm run dev in the property management folder