Quackster / Kepler

A server created in Java designed to revive Habbo Hotel v14 from the 2007 era.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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unicode characters #28

Closed cvasqxz closed 3 years ago

cvasqxz commented 3 years ago

Hi, i'm trying to use the external_texts from habbo.es but the spanish characters (á, é, í, ó, ú, ü, ñ, ¿, ¡) aren't showing correctly


Jordo-o commented 3 years ago

Looks like a problem in your shockwave player or browser. It's definitely not a problem in the server, because the server is not handling any of these files.

Maybe you can change the external textfile and define the characters as a unicode instead of a character. For example: à or à instead of à.

AlexandreVassard commented 3 years ago

Hey, the solution is to download Notepad++, open your texts file and then, click in the menu at "Encoding" -> "Convert in ANSI". This solves the solution with french texts that have special characters too.

emansom commented 3 years ago

Hey, the solution is to download Notepad++, open your texts file and then, click in the menu at "Encoding" -> "Convert in ANSI". This solves the solution with french texts that have special characters too.

Good catch. This explains why Woodpecker opted for ISO-8859-1/ANSI internally. Shockwave only supports "special" characters characters truly with ANSI, where as with UTF-8 only a subset is supported.

Further digging reveals that about two decades ago, there was some discussion on the subject of UTF and ANSI mismatch within Macromedia Shockwave. They came to the conclusion that UTF-8 isn't fully supported within Shockwave. The "best" (as in being most compatible) alternative is indeed ISO-8859-1/ANSI.