QuadCubedStudios / GoDAW

A Godot DAW
MIT License
98 stars 11 forks source link

is it abandoned? Is master broken? #61

Open fbcosentino opened 6 months ago

fbcosentino commented 6 months ago

Hi! I cloned master as of today (2023-12-28) and tried opening with versions 3.2, 3.3.3 and 3.5.2. None of them work, all give the same error:

E 0:00:05.615   emit_signal: Error calling method from signal 'track_pressed': 'WindowDialog::_popup': Method not found..
  <C++ Source>  core/object.cpp:1260 @ emit_signal()

Anything involving opening a popup doesn't work.

Did I do something awfully wrong?

Technohacker commented 6 months ago

Hey! Yeah we haven't been able to get much time to devote to the project, so progress is unlikely for a while :sweat_smile:

As for that error, it's probably on our side. Let me check what's going on :thinking:

Technohacker commented 6 months ago

Judging by this, https://github.com/QuadCubedStudios/GoDAW/blob/fa79a42bd5d96f6c7c45d90adb6bf8784b6b484e/Main.tscn#L188 I'm going to hazard a guess and say _popup doesn't exist for some reason. Can you try reconnecting that signal?

fbcosentino commented 6 months ago

I tried that, and then I get:

E 0:00:02.713   emit_signal: Error calling method from signal 'track_pressed': 'WindowDialog::popup': Cannot convert argument 1 from String to Rect2..
  <C++ Source>  core/object.cpp:1242 @ emit_signal()

so I guess there is some fixing to do to make it run. If that's the case, wouldn't it be best to spend the effort porting to Godot 4?

I could give it a shot, but since I can't run on Godot 3, I don't know what is the correct behaviour for things so I don't know what to fix. You don't happen to have a binary release anywhere, do you?

Technohacker commented 6 months ago

Agreed, if/when we get some time I'm open to implementing it in 4.x instead :)

Tbf there's not a whole lot actually implemented, at most there's some code for writing instruments and a basic GDScript-based song scripting system. We don't have much logic implemented for drawing songs on a UI from what I remember :sweat_smile: