I have suggestions for improving in-app documentation, which should speed up the development speed. Some examples:
For the erosion node (spelled "node", not "note" :) ), it could be useful to have popup text boxes similar to when the mouse hovers over a tool in the Toolbox. These popup texts should be placed inside the Properties panel, e.g. what does "Downcutting" mean? Instead of having to find the documentation online, a simple mouse hover over the slider should popup with a helpful and technical text as to what the tool is supposed to do and how it functions. I think that would be really, really useful.
That is a general principle for all the tools. Another comment is when you hover over e.g. the SlopeNoise inside the Toolbox. There's a spelling error "NOTE: This note is not tiled [...]". First of, it is spelled "node" (not "note"). Secondly, a short text on what "Tiled Build means could be helpful as well.
Those are just some suggestions. Thank you for making such a nice application.
Hi there,
I have suggestions for improving in-app documentation, which should speed up the development speed. Some examples:
For the erosion node (spelled "node", not "note" :) ), it could be useful to have popup text boxes similar to when the mouse hovers over a tool in the Toolbox. These popup texts should be placed inside the Properties panel, e.g. what does "Downcutting" mean? Instead of having to find the documentation online, a simple mouse hover over the slider should popup with a helpful and technical text as to what the tool is supposed to do and how it functions. I think that would be really, really useful.
That is a general principle for all the tools. Another comment is when you hover over e.g. the SlopeNoise inside the Toolbox. There's a spelling error "NOTE: This note is not tiled [...]". First of, it is spelled "node" (not "note"). Secondly, a short text on what "Tiled Build means could be helpful as well.
Those are just some suggestions. Thank you for making such a nice application.