QuailAutomation / openhab2-addons

The next-generation open Home Automation Bus (openHAB)
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Unable to send UPB Scene command #133

Closed jmActifio closed 5 years ago

jmActifio commented 5 years ago

First, to all of those who created and maintain the new version of the OmniLink binding, a huge thank you! I have a large OmniPro system with multiple expansion modules and enclosures representing years of work and sweat, and this finally lets me migrate up to OpenHAB 2.

In the original v1 binding one could define a UPB device as such: String DeckLight_String "Deck [%s]" (Lights_Deck) {omnilink="unit:49"}

And then in a rule: sendCommand(DeckLight_String, 'scene a')

Attempting this against the 'upb Thing' object fails. Is there a way to do this with the new binding?

boc-tothefuture commented 5 years ago

This is probably better handled in the support forum, so others can see the question and pitch in with an answer. https://community.openhab.org/t/hai-omnilink-binding-for-openhab-2-0/21049/41

Taking a quick look, scenes are now channels of type switch belonging to a think room. So you would be sending an ON type to the appropriate channel "scene_a" for example, of the room thing.

boc-tothefuture commented 5 years ago

@jmActifio can I close this?