QuailAutomation / openhab2-addons

The next-generation open Home Automation Bus (openHAB)
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Isy Elk Import #88

Open robertw opened 6 years ago

robertw commented 6 years ago

Hey Craig I was wondering if you include the discovery of ELk ......I believe the elk support is already in https://github.com/PlanetJ/openhab2-addons/tree/isy/addons/binding/org.openhab.binding.isy

I chatted abit with him and he is not using openhab any longer at this point and I can not sort out how to strip out the elk portion and make a binding just for elk and isy so I bow to you maybe you can utilize what is already here to expand this option....

Many thanks


craigham commented 6 years ago

Hi Robert.

I do not have Elk for my Isy. Another issue is I am not at my house right now that runs on my Isy. So realistically we will need someone else to step up and contribute the Elk code.

robertw commented 6 years ago

Hi Craig what I was referring to is that ISY has elk support and the above ISY binding supports it but he no longer wants to use openhab the code is already in his binding........ I was wondering if the code in his binding could be utilized with your ISY Binding as far as elk through ISY I believe you scan the devices already and elk comes up but you ignore them at this point in time . My system is your if need and I would do what I can as I am not a real programmer

craigham commented 6 years ago

I have looked at that code before as well. It's not that adding support is undoable, but I just don't know that I'll be able to make enough time, considering the testing is quite a bit more difficult for me when I don't have my Isy on my network. I am trying to get a VPN setup with the house which has the ISY, so that could change things.

I'm also fairly busy working on a couple other bindings I need for my own home automation, which also makes it hard to devote enough time to add Elk support.

If I get my VPN stuff working I'll take another look.

robertw commented 6 years ago

Thanks so very much.......If you need to I can allow you to use my system as I have elk running ... thank you for your consideration.