Closed platinum4 closed 4 years ago
When people rent on MRR it is incompatible, MRR has Blake2b-SIA listed only
so that's what needs to be fixed. which miners mine sia?
None do, but ccminer-tpruvot-231f mines Blake2b (non-SIA) on Zergpool, that is why we have an entry in /Stats folder under ccminer-tpruvot-231f.txt
"Blake2b" Needs to be disabled by default in MRR.config
ccminer-verushash-361 also does not work with MRR it connects endlessly and has an error message in the miner that it needs to support redirecting
Yeah but that is a problem with the ccminer itself, I think monkins would need to rebuild it or nemosminer; I left as disabled in MRR.config
this does not fix the problem, running CCminer with -a sia is not Siacoin, it's another one. Blake2b-SIA is the only Siacoin algo and no GPU miners we have do it
Is best to just disable Blake2b in MRR.config I found no way to trick the rental I had into mining what it wanted.
this do fix, sia is disabled algo
$AllAlgos.Add("Disabled", @("beam", "bitcore", "sha256", "sha256t", "sha256asicboost", "sha256-ld", "scrypt", "scrypt-ld", "x11", "x11-ld", "x13", "x14", "x15", "quark", "qubit", "myrgr", "lbry", "decred", "sia", "blake", "nist5", "cryptonight", "cryptonightr", "cryptonightv7", "cryptonightv8", "cnheavy", "cnsaber", "x11gost", "groestl", "equihash", "lyra2re2", "lyra2z", "pascal", "keccak", "keccakc", "skein", "tribus", "c11", "phi", "timetravel", "skunk"))
Oh in MindMiner.ps1 I got it ty
OK I would close this and leave Verushash alone if that's another issue it will be separate
ccminer-verushash-361 also does not work with MRR it connects endlessly and has an error message in the miner that it needs to support redirecting
Next time, please send a screenshot of miner and on MRR press button:
where is blake2bsia pool?