Qualeams / Android-Face-Recognition-with-Deep-Learning-Library

Face Recognition library for Android devices is an Android library (module) which includes several face recognition methods.
Apache License 2.0
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facenet.pb instead of optimized_facenet.pb in PreferencesHelper.java #36

Open thecurious1-sudo opened 3 years ago

thecurious1-sudo commented 3 years ago

I think in your PreferencesHelper.java file, the "facenet.pb" should be replaced with "optimized_facenet.pb" as there is no file named facenet.pb

public String getTensorFlowModelFile(){
        return sharedPreferences.getString("key_modelFileTensorFlow", "facenet.pb");

should be

public String getTensorFlowModelFile(){
        return sharedPreferences.getString("key_modelFileTensorFlow", "optimized_facenet.pb");