:books::shell: A CloudShell 'Shell' that allows integrating AWS as an app's deployment option. Why is this Open? :cloud::shell: CloudShell cloud providers come out of the box and cannot be extended or modified independently. However, feel free to take a look at our code to better understand how things work under the hood. If you like you can experiment with our sofware, but please make sure you contact us if you need new cloud providers that would be supported in your production CloudShell deployment!
orchestration_save that creates snapshot in AWS and returns blueprint with apps pointing to new AMIs
orchestration_restore that removes the old instance in AWS, deploys a new AWS instance using the AMI and calls an API to populate the VM properties. the new instance should get the same private and public IP, same SG (open ports), same tags, (TBD - additional storage + custom tags)
Save snapshot json object in server as a part of the reservaiton information. This instance should be copied to an environment created from the reservation. Information should also be included in export/impoirt
Where deleting an environment, the server should asynchronously delete all snapshots associated with it
Snapshot blueprints will have a 'snapshot' property and a 'original_blueprint' property linking of the blueprint it came from. The 'original_blueprint' information will be saved in sisense. Both should be available in importa/export
Add a new 'update_vm_details' API to use in save/restore