Quality-Assurance-DAO / F5-Developer-ecosystem-Proposal

A deconstructed, dissected and resurrected Project Catalyst, Fund 5 Developer Ecosystem Proposal.
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 1 forks source link

Community Advisor Assessment - ID 3271- Q : This proposal effectively addresses the challenge ? #111

Closed stephen-rowan closed 3 years ago

stephen-rowan commented 3 years ago

Assessor - z_assessor_67

Assessment Note - Unfortunately I struggle to understand what exactly the proposal helps to accomplish. In my opinion the language and approach of the proposal makes it unlikely to gain acceptance in the community and have its intended impact.

Rating - 3

ID - 3271

triplet_id - 67-351678

proposal_id - 351678

Blank - No

Feedback Assessment -


Provides justification for statement.