Quality-Assurance-DAO / F5-Developer-ecosystem-Proposal

A deconstructed, dissected and resurrected Project Catalyst, Fund 5 Developer Ecosystem Proposal.
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 1 forks source link

Community Advisor Assessment - ID 3289 - Q : The information provided is sufficient to audit the progress and the success of the proposal ? #129

Closed stephen-rowan closed 3 years ago

stephen-rowan commented 3 years ago

Assessor - z_assessor_53

Assessment Note - The proposal provides copious amounts of information with links that do help to inform the reader. However, assessing the success of the project is difficult as much of the discussion is obtuse. I felt like I was reading a contract that may or may not contain small print that I hadn't been able to find. This made me consider the voters being asked to decide whether this was a proposal they felt should be funded. I was left feeling many of the PC community will struggle to understand what the proposal is trying to achieve.

Rating - 4

ID - 3289

triplet_id - 53-351678

proposal_id - 351678

Blank - No

Feedback Assessment -


Provides justification for score and suggestions