Quality-Assurance-DAO / F5-Developer-ecosystem-Proposal

A deconstructed, dissected and resurrected Project Catalyst, Fund 5 Developer Ecosystem Proposal.
Apache License 2.0
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Welcome to The DAO of Quality Assurance #16

Closed stephen-rowan closed 2 years ago

stephen-rowan commented 3 years ago

This Fund 5 Proposal (Developer ecosystem) will focus on :

  1. The Fund 5 Proposal : Quality-Assurance-DAO itself
  2. and A Quality Assurance Assessment of the Fund 5 Proposal Process.

The Proposal itself is open-sourced from the outset. I welcome contributions as I refine the proposal.

Ideascale page : https://cardano.ideascale.com/a/dtd/Quality-Assurance-DAO/351678-48088

I invite contributions to the GitHub repository which is now public at : Quality-Assurance-DAO/F5-Developer-ecosystem-Proposal.

I have embedded a draft PowerPoint Presentation (as an animated gif) overview on this repositories landing page.

Also, I have set up a Slack Account for Quality-Assurance-DAO with GitHub integration (that has recorded all my input to date (as an audit trail) for core members.

The Project's Catalyst Discord channel is also integrated with a GitHub issue Bot.

An Alpha Version 0.0 Release is included which contains all my contributions prior to LIVE.

Checklist :

Welcome to The Distributed Autonomous Organization of Quality Assurance