Quality-Assurance-DAO / F5-Developer-ecosystem-Proposal

A deconstructed, dissected and resurrected Project Catalyst, Fund 5 Developer Ecosystem Proposal.
Apache License 2.0
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Catalyst Boost Camp - Business Models #164

Open stephen-rowan opened 2 years ago

stephen-rowan commented 2 years ago

Catalyst Boost Camp - Business Models

With reference to the The entrepreneurship handbook Quality Assurance DAO's Business Models focus on

Customers and Co-creators

Early market situation

My first Customers and Co-creators are in an early market situation. Project Catalyst is essentially comprised of technology enthusiasts and visionaries.

Clear and distinct vision ?

The end product of Catalyst is to provide an innovation fund to develop and deliver distributed governance. Known in the Cardano Roadmap as "Voltaire" There is no clear and distinct vision of exactly what distributed governance will look like. And there are differing approaches to achieving this end.

But there is some clarity in respect of a need to develop distributed solutions with a degree of autonomy that can provide some kind of organisational platform. That is DAO -

So technology enthusiasts and visionaries operate in this governance context. Often with an emphasis on experimentation and iteration. With various degrees of emphasis on distributed, autonomous, organization.

Competitive advantage is not straightforward as often the Cardano platform is often presented as a paradigm-shift rather than a product replacement.

Unique value proposition

Quality Assurance DAOs activities are spread between many different community initiatives from Oversight of Catalyst Circle, through tracking of Catalyst Swarm to development of governance in Eastern Town Hall. And the challenge is identify emerging business models and opportunities to collaborate.

I do not aim to own a unique value proposition but to distribute value. To open source it.

Reverse Business Model

A focus I have often returned to is the development of an auditability infrastructure to support distributed governance. My Reverse Business Model is a process of discovery of what product features this will have.

Product Features

These features include -

stephen-rowan commented 2 years ago
