Quality-Assurance-DAO / F5-Developer-ecosystem-Proposal

A deconstructed, dissected and resurrected Project Catalyst, Fund 5 Developer Ecosystem Proposal.
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 1 forks source link

QA of Ideascale Platform General Issues #17

Closed stephen-rowan closed 2 years ago

stephen-rowan commented 3 years ago

General Issues Found :

    • [ ] Ideascale Text Box freezes all text after pasting in content (whole text must be cut and pasted again), (usability issue).
    • [ ] Formatting options limited to multiple click formatting (usability issue).
    • [ ] Not markdown compliant (open-source issue, usability issue).
    • [ ] Formatting is lost when pasting text from clipboard. This forces the user to reformat (resource cost, usability issues).
    • [ ] Text boxes allow characters in excess of word count to be pasted/input. This could be prevented at source (resource cost, usability issues).
    • [ ] No ability to add custom tags (e.g. seek open-source contributor) (usability issue).
    • [ ] Shorter Text boxes do not allow urls. (usability issue).
    • [ ] Text boxes do not consistently update upon revision of content (text missing from Problem statement Challenge section (resource cost, usability issue).
    • [ ] Required re-editing Challenge section and refreshing page multiple times to change text to resolve above Issue. (resource cost, usability issue).
    • [ ] No way to change "Which of these definitions apply to you?" (usability issue, transparency of data)
    • [ ] Unpredictable display of font sizes - no font or size selection available (usability issue).
    • [ ] Unable to bracket text in URL in proposal text boxes or comments.
    • [ ] Ideascale comment response boxes concatenate formatting to a single paragraph)
    • [ ] Unable to edit messages in private conversations (e.g. to correct spelling etc.), (usability issue)