Quality-Assurance-DAO / F5-Developer-ecosystem-Proposal

A deconstructed, dissected and resurrected Project Catalyst, Fund 5 Developer Ecosystem Proposal.
Apache License 2.0
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Community Advisor Enquiry #57

Closed stephen-rowan closed 3 years ago

stephen-rowan commented 3 years ago

Matthias Martetschlaeger (@matthias.martetschlaeger)

Hello, could you help me to understand, how you are planning to implement your solution to the stated problems. Please use as few technical terms a possible. : Your don't do all the projects on catalyst yourself. Therefore you need to have a different approach to support open-source in the new and already running projects. Is it a service that you offer to them or anything similar to that?

stephen-rowan commented 3 years ago

Because Ideascale concatenates formatting a more legible response can be found here : ( https://github.com/Quality-Assurance-DAO/F5-Developer-ecosystem-Proposal/issues/57#issuecomment-822734409 ).

Thank you for your question @matthias.martetschlaeger

1) This proposal is only aiming to assist open-source Catalyst projects not all projects. 2) QA-DAO is building a GitHub repository organisation as infrastructure to support the implementation of the solutions stated. 3) The open-source ethos is collaborative, so QA-DAO is not offering a service. 4) Rather QA-DAO will provide tools that the Cardano and Catalyst community can use, develop themselves or collaborate in developing further with QA-DAO. 5) QA-DAO is encouraging participation from the Catalyst Fund community advisors and proposers in building open-source standards for Cardano now. For example, agreeing common Codes of Conduct, Contribution Guidelines etc. To avoid duplication of effort. 6) QA-DAO's roadmap is to share maintenance of the repository organisation. 7) QA-DAO is already collaborating with other Fund 3 and 5 projects in improving their open source infrastructure. 8) [Technical] - QA-DAO is already collaborating with other Fund 3 and 5 projects on developing Cardano Tokens that audit and track open source contributions ( https://forum.cardano.org/t/the-catalyst-community-begins-to-define-and-develop-tokens/57975 ) . 9) [Technical] - The QA-DAO proposal is also capturing the Fund 5 application process itself - everything is recorded as a GitHub Issue or Pull Request. 10) [Technical] - The QA-DAO proposal has begun assessing open-source Catalyst Fund 5 proposals. The Project Board for this is here - https://github.com/Quality-Assurance-DAO/F5-Developer-ecosystem-Proposal/projects/3 11) [Technical] - QA-DAO is building GitHub repository templates that open-source Catalyst Fund proposals may use to assist in the setting up of their own GitHub organizations. 12) [Technical] - QA-DAO is assessing the Ideascale Platform ( https://github.com/Quality-Assurance-DAO/F5-Developer-ecosystem-Proposal/issues/17 )

QA-DAO looks forward to working with Catalyst's Community Advisors and incorporating your pertinent questions in the development of our proposal.

Stephen Whitenstall, QA-DAO

Your inquiry and my response has been captured as Issue ( https://github.com/Quality-Assurance-DAO/F5-Developer-ecosystem-Proposal/issues/57 ) and is "In Progress".

stephen-rowan commented 3 years ago

Matthias Martetschlaeger (matthias.martetschlaeger) kudos icon 20/04/2021

swhitenstall Thanks for the detailed answer. Supporting projects that want to follow the open-source approach is a great thing. Good to have someone with experience here.

stephen-rowan commented 3 years ago

matthias.martetschlaeger - Thank you for your support and constructive criticism.

QA-DAO looks forward to contributing to the success of the dynamic experiment that is Project Catalyst.

Stephen Whitenstall - QA DAO

These responses have been captured at https://github.com/Quality-Assurance-DAO/F5-Developer-ecosystem-Proposal/issues/57#issuecomment-823003311 and the Issue moved to "Done". (Note : The Issue can still be altered and commented upon until Fund 5 Proposals are finalized.)

stephen-rowan commented 3 years ago

Closed - but for reference later