Quality-Assurance-DAO / F5-Developer-ecosystem-Proposal

A deconstructed, dissected and resurrected Project Catalyst, Fund 5 Developer Ecosystem Proposal.
Apache License 2.0
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Self-Assessment checklist - QA and Completion #95

Closed stephen-rowan closed 3 years ago

stephen-rowan commented 3 years ago

The Self-Assessment Checklist

My (The Proposers) Completion :

I confirm that I have ...


I have articulated in my proposal ...


How my proposal impacts the challenge metrics is articulated in the comments beneath each box checked below.

The challenge metrics in F5: Developer ecosystem are -

I hope to highlight this in Output (3) Open-Source Assessment Report that an improved awareness of the wide range of the open-source Cardano community may enable developers to build from many different even contrary directions.

The tooling in this proposal, the repo, is the proposal undone. It will offer a deconstructed, dissected and resurrected F5-Developer-ecosystem-Proposal. Although not usable as a template - it is hoped it's bones may be picked over for many months to come as point of reference.

This proposal has already been circulated around the Catalyst open-source community, provoking mixed reactions and conversations.


I addressed the challenge question "How can we create a positive developer experience that helps the developer focus on building successful apps?" by focusing on one instance of a development lifecycle ; how to take something broken to the community to fix.


Definitions of Success :

3 Months - The Proposal is funded, it's contribution is recognized, which provided an incentive to continue to Fund 7.

6 Months - The Proposal is used as a useful reference tool for other proposals.

12 Months - The Proposal is now redundant and regarded as a historical anomaly.


My Budget is broken into $5 for basic costs. The minting of an ADA Non-Fungible Token is pending negotiation for work in kind with NFT-DAO.


The repository maintainer Stephen Whitenstall https://stephen-rowan.github.io/


11/04/2021 (Alpha Version 0.0 - Released) through 26/05/2021 (Release of Alpha Version 2.0) to Governance : Due : TBA (by Project Catalyst).

QA Issues :

General Usability :

  1. The Self-Assessment Checklist is not visible when not editing your proposal - so to the initiated it appears to have disappeared.
  2. When the Self-Assessment Checklist is visible (when editing your proposal) - the displayed text is truncated.
  3. Whilst a tool tip displays the full text of the truncated Checklist item - there is a temptation to click on the item.
  4. Clicking on an item in this way could lead to incorrect answers - where a proposer has clicked on an item by mistake and forgets to review.

QA of each question :

I confirm that I have ... (QA)

This question seems to have generated the greatest confusion. Which emails ? When ? From whom ? For what purpose ?

I have articulated in my proposal ...

What metrics ? Where can they be found ?

A more specific reference to the challenge question might be helpful

Quite Clear

Quite Clear

Quite Clear. Although define "identifying information" ?

Quite Clear