finish up face recognition and make sure it works in Alexa
Henry -
finish up news buddy and make sure it works in Alexa
Ben -
finish up song FP and make sure it works in Alexa
Sanjana -
add songs to song FP database
check all documentation
test the skills
organize depth of understanding notes
research if multiple skills can be run in the same server or multiple servers
-develop Alexa skills from the brainstorm list
Goals and Times
*done = completely works on Alexa
Manu - Face Recognition and yoda and analogy engine speak done by end of wednesday
Henry - news buddy done by Tuesday morning - after work on Custom Greeting using face recognition(have it done by end of Wednesday ish
Ben - Song FP done by end of Tuesday/Wednesday afternoon
Sanjana - Have git hub repos organized and depth of understanding organized by end of Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon
Items are subjected to change
Manu -
Henry -
Ben -
Sanjana -
Everyone -develop Alexa skills from the brainstorm list
Goals and Times *done = completely works on Alexa Manu - Face Recognition and yoda and analogy engine speak done by end of wednesday Henry - news buddy done by Tuesday morning - after work on Custom Greeting using face recognition(have it done by end of Wednesday ish Ben - Song FP done by end of Tuesday/Wednesday afternoon Sanjana - Have git hub repos organized and depth of understanding organized by end of Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon