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Global Output? #2

Open WEIwjr opened 1 month ago

WEIwjr commented 1 month ago


I currently reading the Voyager paper, I notice that there is a version of Voyager-Global, which does not use PC localization. However, in data_loader.py, in the split function, without an else statement, there is only

if not self.config.global_output:

so is this implementation only for PC localization? Thank you!

Quangmire commented 3 weeks ago

If I recall correctly, the default configuration is single-label with just PC localization. If you want to use the same configuration as in the original paper, you can use the multi-label configuration and it should in theory include the global stream in addition to the various other labels (PC localization, delta, co-occurrence, etc).

That said, I've found that PC-localization attains the majority of the performance with the exception of server workloads with a large number of PCs.

Should you wish to do just the global stream, you would just need to mirror the PC localization implementation in that function using the non-PC-localized input / output data.