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restore ndindex docs #41

Closed tonyfast closed 2 years ago

tonyfast commented 2 years ago

this pull restores @asmeurer's ndindex docs.

when we make changes to this site we'll to consider how to include documentation like this.

are these docs generated from https://github.com/Quansight-Labs/ndindex ?

asmeurer commented 2 years ago

It doesn't really matter if these are mentioned at all in this site. The issue is that ndindex used to live in the Quansight repo but was moved to Quansight-Labs, and unfortunately, GitHub does not automatically redirect GitHub pages when you move a repo. So putting these redirect pages on this repo is the only technical solution to keeping the old links alive (alternately we could make a ndindex repo on Quansight with redirects, but that would in turn break the github.com redirects that GitHub does do, like github.com/Quansight/ndindex)

asmeurer commented 2 years ago

Why is this not merged? If you aren't going to fix this, at least give me push access to this repo so I can do it myself.

mattip commented 2 years ago

The original tweet is over a year old. What is the general expectation for lifetime of links on the internet? Perhaps you could revive interest in the thread and in Quansight Labs in general by re-tweeting the move from https://quansight.github.io/ndindex/slices.html to https://quansight-labs.github.io/ndindex/slices.html

asmeurer commented 2 years ago

Yes, but I have the tweet pinned to my profile (and have since I originally tweeted).

mattip commented 2 years ago

I am not a twitter user, but can't you unpin that tweet and pin to a new one?

asmeurer commented 2 years ago

@mattip what's wrong with just fixing the links? I don't understand why you're trying to make a case against this. How is this helping anyone? If you want to be helpful, just merge this PR, or give me access so I can (assuming you have the rights to do either).

To answer your question, I expect links on the internet to last forever. It's really a shame that we've been conditioned otherwise. The only reason links ever break is if someone breaks them, such as moving a link and not creating a redirect, or by removing a redirect, as happened here.

tonyfast commented 2 years ago

its merged now, but if we start fixing this website the content is going to have to live somewhere else