Quansight / omnisci

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Regression in omniscidb conda support. #143

Closed pearu closed 2 years ago

pearu commented 3 years ago

https://github.com/omnisci/omniscidb-internal/pull/4857 introduces #include <charconv>. The std c++ library of gcc 7.5, which is used in conda compilers package, does not implement charconv tools. Hence, the PR 4857 breaks building omniscidb conda-forge package as well as developing omniscidb using conda environment. AFAIK, conda compilers cannot use gcc 8+ compilers.

https://github.com/omnisci/omniscidb-internal/pull/4888 has been submitted that implements a poorman' workaround that disables datetime support when using gcc compiler version older than 8.0.

pearu commented 2 years ago

Resolved via the omniscidb-internal PRs referenced in the description.