Quansight / omnisci

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[ibis] geo_equals() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cache' #153

Open xmnlab opened 3 years ago

xmnlab commented 3 years ago

from Todd:

hit an error in ibis with this expression
t[t.omnisci_geo.point_n(point_idx).x().name('point_a_x'), t.omnisci_geo.point_n(point_idx).y().name('point_a_y'), t.omnisci_geo.point_n(point_idx+1).x().name('point_b_x'), t.omnisci_geo.point_n(point_idx+1).y().name('point_b_y')].execute()
with an error of
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
~/omnisci-datascience/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ibis/expr/operations.py in equals(self, other, cache)
     99         try:
--> 100             return cache[key]
    101         except KeyError:
KeyError: (GeoPointN(ref_0
TypeError: geo_equals() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cache'
which gets called via all_equals in ibis/expr/operations.py, i assume ibis is trying to helpfully dedup projections?
def all_equal(left, right, cache=None):
    """Check whether two objects `left` and `right` are equal.
    left : Union[object, Expr, Node]
    right : Union[object, Expr, Node]
    cache : Optional[Dict[Tuple[Node, Node], bool]]
        A dictionary indicating whether two Nodes are equal
    if cache is None:
        cache = {}
    if util.is_iterable(left):
        # check that left and right are equal length iterables and that all
        # of their elements are equal
        return (
            and len(left) == len(right)
            and all(
                    functools.partial(all_equal, cache=cache), zip(left, right)
    if hasattr(left, 'equals'):
        return left.equals(right, cache=cache)
    return left == right
xmnlab commented 3 years ago
