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UDF Documentation: Help to identify the proper personas and their use cases #36

Open dharhas opened 5 years ago

pearu commented 5 years ago

One kind of users would be Python users who would define UDFs in Python and use omniscidb remotely. The other kind of users would be users who would be able to create LLVM IR manually or by some tool and send these to omniscidb server using thrift interface. There could be other kinds of users that are in between in these two extremes.

See also https://github.com/xnd-project/rbc#usage for usage examples.

Abaal commented 4 years ago

need documentation platform to "complete" need to decide where to document use cases, personas etc.

pearu commented 4 years ago

Different ways of registering UDFs are demonstrated in UDF documentation PR https://github.com/omnisci/omniscidb-internal/pull/3807

kcpevey commented 4 years ago

PR is still opened. The interface is still not standardized.

This isn't blocking anything else.

kcpevey commented 4 years ago

PR needs to be updated, but we won't updated until we get feedback from Omnici

rpekrul commented 3 years ago

Omnisci has de-prioritized this task. Putting on the shelf for now.