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Deployment of notebook of altair charts to standandalone dashboard #44

Open dharhas opened 5 years ago

dharhas commented 5 years ago

Investigate deployment of notebook of altair charts to standandalone dashboard, looking into panel and voila

saulshanabrook commented 5 years ago

There is some very active work happening getting Voilla to render JupyterLab plugins, see https://gitter.im/QuantStack/Lobby?at=5d545bcc4e17537f52302ff9.

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In particular https://github.com/QuantStack/voila/pull/238 and https://github.com/vidartf/phoila

saulshanabrook commented 4 years ago


rpekrul commented 3 years ago

@saulshanabrook, can this be closed?

saulshanabrook commented 3 years ago

No it isn't done yet, we had some progress (a demo working at some point), but needed to do work on voila and other frameworks.

rpekrul commented 3 years ago

Ok, do you know the state of this task? Was it de-prioritized? I see it in progress.