Quansight / quirkshops

infrastructure and content for quansight quirkshops
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Schedule the first workshop #3

Open tonyfast opened 3 years ago

tonyfast commented 3 years ago

Organize and arrange a time for the first internal Quansight Quirkshop

tonyfast commented 3 years ago

comments from dharhas

would say pick a day and time that works for you and will capture a large part of the company. I would say 10 Central since that is 8am pacific and 5pm Europe. Outside of that, ... 9am is better for the European folk but won’t be great for Californians etc. On the other hand since you are planning to have these recorded maybe it doesn’t matter as much.

You could also throw out a time and the google doc and ask folks for suggestions. i.e. introduce quirkshare and say you plan to do it at (say) Mondays at XX time

tonyfast commented 3 years ago

Tentative plan:

Internal Quirkshops during the day on Tuesdays External Quirkshops during the evening on Tuesdays. Prep for external quirkshops on Friday.